- W A R - T O U R N A M E N T - F E E D B A C K -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. To me 24hrs is the bare minimum for a tournament like this, shorter wars are only a recent addition, 24hrs is the only fair option for everyone. Anything else will favour one continent over the other and turning it into a pin fest.

    Now we have comments wanting the losers to get rewards, this is war, point me in the direction of any war (real or in-game) where there is no loss on both sides.
  2. Can leaugues be created as in other sports with top teams going through after a series of fights against other teams?
    Could players be eliminated in war when their spies and soldiers are spent, or for the third time?
    Coulld the winning clan gain an award, enhanced item drops, plunder bonus to players in EB's etc?
    Could the other clan become like an epic battle where different stages have to be destroyed in a time limit while the other clan defends?
    just some feedback, dont tear me to shreds for it, thanks.
    PS if 'plunder' is the deciding factor on who wins and all players on both sides start with 0 gold, who wins?
  3. You mean when someone reaches 0 troops, they're out?
    I have no idea how Devs could make one clan into an epic battle type scenario and it's away from epics people want.
    As for your last comment on both teams starting with 0 gold, I think it's evident the side with the highest plunder wins and the player on the winning side that got the highest is clearly the #1 winner.
  4. In my view, peeps just trying to make the best of a flawed war system. A means of limiting the benefit of turd-leing is essential.

    Enough already of warring from pin (this is like lobbing grenades from ur hospital bed ). Trying to entice us into a crappy war set-up is like putting lipstick on a pig . Nfg.

    Possible solution: Introduce 'territory' as a measure of war success. Territory damage (TD) would be equally weighted to plunder, and TD would be minimal when hitting from low troops. So, when one side turdles, the other side can invade to victory. Simple enough I think.
  5. If they persist with auto join our top 50 lb clan will struggle to participate. Why not consider 60-75 must be active by 12 hours in.

    War must be 24 hours. Any less and everyone will be self pinning the whole war.

    I really don't care about the rewards. The mith was a bonus but the war is welcome break from tedious ebs.

    I'd like different start times each war to make it fair on everyone.

    Also one a fortnight would be better.

    Hope you are listening devs?
  6. Ok people this isn't real life. As such you shouldn't be comparing these wars to real life wars. This is why nobody wars right now. People have nothing to gain by warring so they won't do it. The only way people will war is if war will benefit the player. This is what the devs are trying to fix, and hopefully they can get kingdoms at WAR back on track.
  7. I like the concept a lot but think purely 'weekend' wars are an imposition and will eliminate a lot of warriors who would enjoy warring. I would propose at least one weekday option along with a weekend option and I agree 24 hours is a bit much-especially on a weekend. As far as rewards go I think an increased drop rate on aqua would be great as well as swords. I also wouldn't offer aqua to be bought-just my thoughts :)
  8. I believe that 24 hours is the right length for war as for example of the war is 6hours long a hlbc player may be asleep so then they miss the whole war and are unable to give any influence to hinder the outcome of the war.

    The auto-join is in my eye a bad. Decision as a clan who is asleep a t start of war can be farmed by the other clan and therefor lose a lot of gold. But then u would need to say that in active people form
    Either clan can still not hit either side
  9. I like the active at start
  10. I vote for 12 hrs war. Same as All-Star.

    Auto-join is fine.

    75 members is too much. Min 50 members is just fine.

    War tax should be not applicable

    Waiting to see new equip to be dropped in sw.

    Happy kawing 
  11. Show me the rewards. Double Mith doesn't even cover what you could max spend in 24hrs. I spent 80 mith and got back 71. We won war by an over 2 to one average and was not rewarded any plunder at end. Total gold earned 9.8B. Bought remaining mith and with pots ether just broke even or lost. Make it worthwhile.
  12. Hey fly 
  13. For system war purposes the most mith you need to use is 36 to attack for 24hrs. Just because you blow mith to hide your allies or do more damage to your target ( but not increase what you earn ) doesn't mean the devs should compensate you for it. Learn to do more with less and you will be fine
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong. If you are warring u go to win and plunder. To make youself stronger bu taking from your opponents. That means you use all resources at your disposal including mith and xtals. If you take away the payout incentive what's the point.
  15. Hiding your allies and using unholy aura won't do much of anything to help you win a system war. Using xstals is your choice but not a necessity. Many war noobs use xstals and it actually helps the other clan more as it allows them to hit the noob to pin more often.

    If you think the cost of war is high then learn to war better so it's not
  16. 293B to 100B for us. I think we get the hang of it. All I'm saying is what happened to the tax KAW takes off the top. Should it not be rewarded to the winning clan at end. Or at least something.
  17. I didn't participate but I think that weekend wars should be provided for all clans because I'm listen to this and want to be involve but what fun will I have going up against players who will strip me in the first 10 seconds of the war. I think they should make a racket for smaller clans as this progresses.
  18. With the introduction of mithril and the 50 member limit I do believe war tax serves no purpose in the tournament.
  19. I agree does not serve a purpose, but if it's being taken then it should be spread out to winning clan at the end.
  20. I loved it , the double mith payout was sweet!!War was great