- W A R - T O U R N A M E N T - F E E D B A C K -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. #4 striping - set new spell, thet can stop your market transactions (nobody can hire our ally.......) = could be same like spell that hide your allies
  2. People are trying to make this war game so soft that carebears would tell them to grow a pair and toughen up some
  3. I think maybe winning side could have all activated spells and mithril back reward........... war will be less expensive for winning side.....
  4. I must say i did enjoy this war and enjoyed fighting along side last rights.

    Auto join. Seems very unpopular. Many people had to drop out of war due to this from people i have spoke to.

    24hr war - length of war may be to much every weekend many are unable to make that commitment.

    Rewards. Its my opinion that if mith is the reward we need to be able to gain back mith spent or more than to make it worth while. I think a gold payout should be considerd,xtals and poss nob points.

    Items - i would agree with being able to obtain current eb items in these tourny's but DO NOT want to seen NEW RARE war tourny items.
  5. Why have a war tournament and not have rare items? Why would someone join a long hard to win series of wars to gain what the boring ebs will give for a fraction of the effort? We can all buy xstalls and nobs and mith is not as rare as first made out it would be!so make the tourney worth while please
  6. 75 active members is alot to ask. If they auto forfeit for having less that possibly throws most clans out of contention by their members not pressing a button even though they are in the clan and willing to war.
    SOLUTION:lower the limit to the original 50(more clans only have a few members above that anyways) and keep the auto join from the test phase. Fair for all timezones and keeps all the clans from being eliminated just because they dont have an almost full roster. After all they are still ranked in the top 200 wether its from 75 smaller members or 10 leaderboard kingdoms
  7. PROBLEM: outside stripping was a problem in the test tourny. With both sides banking their gold and pinning its a fun frirndly war but alot of outside hiring threw that balance out the window.
    SOLUTION: as suggested by wulf i agree, freeze all incoming hits,hires and ally sales from any source outside of the clans tha are at war. Leave those actions open for fellow clan members or the enemy
    Clan but not outside influences. It sabotages the matchups aswell as the results.
  8. Read the opening post and here's a simple solution for a few of the problems. FYI I'm not reading through the whole thread so if already mentioned then I'm just supporting those ideas.

    To prevent bypass of auto join and locked rosters, while creating more work on both the players and KaW staff itself (which IMO is a good thing) this will create more work for both. Simply have the owner of the clan warring submit their roster and the KaW staff move those specific players to the clan. I personally think this truly shows those who are proactive player wise and shows the willingness of the KaW staff to promote this new idea. Those that want to do this (on the players side) shouldn't find it that difficult (with like a 72 hour period) to be able to compile a simple roster and submit it. If the KaW staff is serious about promoting this new war system then I feel it wouldn't hurt them to put forth the effort to place the rosters in the clans for it. Both sides promoting and showing their enthusiasm for this new stirring change would be required but I think it could cause fewer issues in regards to two of the current issues that were raised from the trial run.

    Just my thoughts. Feel free to point out things that are wrong but know I'm not going to respond to the trolls.
  9. Disclaimer to above post. I'm drunk so may have repeated myself unknowingly.  My apologies.
  10. So too sum up how most feel, 24hrs seems too long for most, let's cut it back to 1hr (but not at beddyboo time, we need our sleepy).
    Forget auto join, let us put in 1 active for the whole war, a pure spy for good fun.

    Let's restrict all ally sales every Saturday for weeks, that won't affect anything major, who needs to buy and sell allies anyway?

    Let's make sure we get every single gold coin, Mith and pots used back and then some, add to this a specifically tailered item for every participant (I'll take a 30mil boost to Spy Def).

    Get rid of the pesky locked roster, let us Merc like crazy for every war, make it so every war has all the same peeps (remember we all love each other) against each other every time.

    Same goes for outside hits (who wants that) we definitely won't sit on one clan for the duration of every tournament war from the outside, I promise (we're good people) we're just pinning their inactive ;) we're noting if not helpful.

    Their's my updated version, looks good ehh?
  11. As for ideas for rewards the double mithril bonus was ok but with it being for sale its not as big of a deal as say an item or aqua. It would be to much to ask for winners to get one of kind items but i for one like the idea of rewarding EB items or rare upgrade components instead of something i can easily buy after a haunting or two.
    On a side note in my opinion if it would be a new equipment it should be defensive in nature rather than offensive so rather than creating someone with a 100% success rate you create someone thats a bigger challenge for people to strip or attack in the future
  12. Finally I like the 24hour duration it makes sure regardless of time zone everyone will have an awake and a sleep cycle but isnt so long that it gives one time zone an advantage. Any shorter and whoever gets a good lead first will most likely keep it long enough to win without time for the other side to wake up and create a comeback.

    I wish people posted serious suggestions only.25 pages and alot arent helpful or off topic. Come on guys you have a chance to help shape a great addition to the game dont waste it with pointless jokes
  13. Of course it's not helpful, it's the same thing over and over, "war is too long" For gods sake, it's a big tournament that has too suit all timezones, 12hrs just won't cut it and will have more people complaining when war is scheduled from 11pm - 11am.
    The war system is sound as it is, just the little glitches need addressing.
    Everything they've implemented in the test war worked great, near perfect for a fair 1 on 1 clan war.

    Just fix the little glitches that have been mentioned and it'll work perfectly.
  14. @ MercenaryCloud
    One way to change the auto join (not that it needs to be changed) and make sure that later touranment wars aren't full of Merc's is at the start of every war have a clan roster join button, with X amount that has to press that will be active from the start and must contain the same players or vast majority of the same players, if not, what does it matter who gets to the final, since both sides will be Merc heavy that most have been eliminated in two or more wars already.
  15. Kaw is heading further downhill by the day! Stop giving everything away for a cash fee!stop all the easy growth and promote WAR.nobody wars nowadays because they don't need to and now even the tournament is being trashed by requests which are not far off"make a spell so noone can hit me until I've had my cornflakes"
    Bring back the KAW where u had to fight to earn and grow and wars were fun and hard fought.
    I was all for the riddance of pwars as I hoped it would encourage war,instead it's turned kaw into a dull chat room full of magical items that make your profile look pretty! Yes I have the items because without I'm at a disadvantage but I'd happily have all removed and go back to the old school
  16. It ain't gonna matter or mean squat the outcome. No controls = no control.

    It won't be who has the best tactics, is the most active or control the war. It'll be who knows who. I really don't care at this point and really can't say if I'll even war.

    Too long a tourney for me more then likely, so have fun and good luck to those who can. 
  17. FYI. I merely offered feedback on what was brought up. I liked the auto join. I don't support the crap about preventing ally sales. I'm actually ok with the idea of letting the two clans war and players outside not being allowed to hit. I like mercing. That used to be what I did. Way back before T4 and before the reverse pwars even happened (for those that don't realize. This happened before t4 came out). I'm merely trying to suggest things that could possibly help. Btw I think the mechanics are all screwed up (I tend to lost to a guy with no pots and no allies with 50 mil attack BFA and 13 pots). That's what stops my desire to war. But I only read the opening post prior to my posting and only responding accordingly.
  18. Topic #1: the possible solution is great but if only the minimum actives at the start of war can be adjusted to 50 instead of 75. To have 50 actives from war start will be enough allow the war to develop. The other 25-50 will be a wild card to make the war more interesting and also allows the commander to change the tide of the war.

    Topic#2: simple, proclaim roster lock 24hrs before the war then it's locked! Why all the last min mercing? But just 1 request, we can still issue any eb we want don't restrict us issuing EB . 1 hour before war starts ... EB auto FF.

    Topic#3: The longer the time allows more changes to the war results. But everyone wants to put in their best but not affecting too much into real life. I would go for either a 12hrs-18hrs war will be perfect. That will probably solve the time zone issues too.

    Topic#4: it's definitely good to keep out outside hits to interfere with war, needless to explain why. As for stripping, if it's allowable only for players in the roster I feel that it's fair enough ( just fix it and inform us earlier) . The part on resetting inactives will be Greatly appreciated if our inactive aren't resetted then during the war.

    Topic#5: Mithril for both side, winner side gets double. Anything else like special pots, aqua , inferno etc. I guess you all can decide. Please consider the players commitment to take part in the war. Let us feel good and sees that this is not another event (maybe) to make us buy heaps of crystals n nobs. Bottom line. Player's welfare .

    Topic#6: PC glitch -actives and inactive not shown, a war roster should be done up separately like in iPhone and yes pls number the actives. All these are good suggestion and I really support it.

    Lastly a question , will the roster be lock for a clan throughout the whole tournament? Or it's ever changing after every weekend. I don't need the reason for the answer. Just let us know inadvance  thks
  19. @MercenaryCloud My first post was not directed at you, that was at all the whiners