W.A.R. / M.R.G / A.o.A / _ME vs LSA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Lean, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Good luck LSA. As much as I don't like them, The guys in W.A.R are tough. We fought em for over 2 months and earned my respect. That being said, Sry Joey but I'm rooting for LSA 
  2. In my mind, we already won. Almost all of you are potless and goldless and I think that was the whole point of this.
  3. You CLEARLY didn't read the whole thread. This isn't about gold, Or pots....

    It'll never be about gold, or pots. It's about LSA not taking crap from you or anybody. We can't be bullied, intimidated or reasoned with. We won't be and NEVER will be.

    One, two, five years down the road when/if you quit this game. Do you think all that gold you earned is going to matter? Is it going to make you a better person for standing up for your friends when they have been bullied, hurassed, belittled and called racial slurs? Tell me. Is gold or pots going to make you a better person for standing up for your friends?

    I believe I quote BloodForLSA on this: Your ignoreant and Your argument is invalid. Nice try thou.
  4. Harassed* Ignorant*
  5. 3/4 of LSA are drunk or passed out right now. Sorry for mispelling.
  6. That's pretty good for being passed out

  7. *psssssst, crack* A toast! ;)

    Here's to you, here's to me.
    The best of friends we'll always be.
    But if we should, disagree.
    The heck with you, and here's to me!
  8. And misspelt drunken times. Cheers!
  9. Akira forgot to say - besides Maka
  10. Just take some times to read it.
     thumbs up for LSA :)
    All the best in this OSW.
  11. Support for LSA! What does LSA stand for anyway?
  12. I still haven't seen any clans raise their hands to say they would allow a member to be stripped with no communication without retaliating...

    This isn't big guy bullying little guy...that's what LSA tried doing to our member. Our response is what I would expect out of any good clan

    Fact is you have nothing to lose because u already lost. That is kind of how that works. Ask any homeless guy on the street what they have to lose. Nothing, because they have nothing...are they winning?

    As for banking in pots to terrorize us, while u bank in one 25k pot at a time, we are making substantial gold off of hitting you.

    Our terms are simple: Apologize for stripping our member, for not coming to our leadership about the problem first, and now, wasting our time...

    Pride only gets you so far, sometimes a little humility is the right answer.
  13. Ur right ballsack, a little humility is good once in a while, why doesnt Quagy apologize for putting her nose in the wrong place, if wasn't for the dumb ***** starting problems u would be here. It's always the women in kaw.
  14. This is the best thread ever!! 
    I thought that perhaps the op was the only cretin in the clan. My apologies. Seems he's in good company.

    Run along kids. Go and ambush warbeasts. Don't worry, you can handle it champs. Devs made it so it doesn't fight back. 
  15. Lol gis
  16. that might be belivable if you weren't in aoa hitting us

    If you weren't the one to take out allies or pots you never won. Nothing to loose. Only to gain

    While you guys claim we harrased quag. I saw the ss. And the whole convo of it. Maybe a secret room would have worked better not the one that was used

    It was not a very large strip considering what quag did. He derserved much worse. And it was done by like 3-4 people. How'd that work out. It took all of your clans to handle the 3-4. Support boosts our will to fight. That's all we need
  17. After so long no one step out to correct OP story or even have a brand new story about this matter so I guess LSA has no wrong in this war?
    So if LSA is correct are we correct to say that big clans with lots of pots, big hitters and funds have all the rights to ignore their clan member mistake and still help them in the war?

    Sorry about my English.
    I know it sucks 