I agree, they should have put up the link to vote on the loading splash page, like they do when they give us xtals. A good number of players don't venture into the forums. Meh, too late for it now.
Maybe people should just pay more attention to forums. At the least a clan should have an admin check forums daily for updates and important announcements and notify their clan through ca or cc Same as real life. If you don't vote. You have no right to complain, you did nothing to effect that change. People need to take responsibility for their lack of action. Also this debate is closed. Why are people still posting on it? Why am I ? Cya
How about cancel ur ideas. Open a scrapbook. Start noting all the good ideas ur players have had. This clan role thing is stupid. looking threw forums. U devs r ruining ur game on purpose. Y come out with so much horrible ideas and updates. Unless ur trying to make people stop playing. Whats ur plan on this. Should we just quit now b4 the next horrible thing u put out.
Funny how this poll was started because people complained about the name peasant yet it came 2nd in amount of votes