Lol it's easy to tell that there are more players just by checking the event screen. I'm ranked 16000th and I'm a fairly active player.
That was sarcasm fool. Sigh. My alt with moderate activity is ranked 18k this event. While entry ranks for this event is around 33k-35k. This account(Knight) with around 15 unloads a day on HTE is ranked 1.8k. So safe to say we have way more than 1800 active players. Not sure what you're smoking. :lol:
People have to remember that the vast majority of players do not actively engage in forums for whatever reason. Despite alts and the amazingly small world law seems to be at times, there is still a large diverse player base. Thankfully
You are correct! There is a minimum of 30k players in this community. So far, only about 2k are actually engaged in forum.
Same here... I wanted to be just that broke peasant that is going in few days to Cancun, Mexico for 21 days vacation Enjoy the break from daily massive incoming attacks, cantonesecannonball.. Beach, pina-colada and hot bodies takes over KaW.. Hits shall resume on Feb 10 lol
I'm not so sure that this is good news ... a year ago, wasn't the bottom # of the EB item collectors, give or take, about 50,000?