Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by l_____Kingdom-_of__Heaven____I, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. ^You're so great at spelling things out :roll:
  2. Just quit. If you have to ask others opinions on if you should stay or not, you should leave because now, if you stay it will only be to keep this level of attention, which will not happen.

    When you need an excuse to stay or leave, you should always just leave.
  3. Like most ppl in this forum, I don't give a rat's ass.
  4. if you don't give a rats ass, then why even post? Seems a bit odd that you would make a statement about a subject that you don't care about. Attention seeker maybe?
  5. Update for OP:
    18 stays and 26 leaves at this point.
  6. Rusted stop posting useless rubbish on every forum post what are you the forum police xD
  7. Actually he is why you think he uses that darkred text.
  8. @MyName you should leave that war clan you always invite me too nothing but fails
  9. Koh you tolly pusher we had a vote go stand in the middle of that highway an I'll shout the results.
  10. Stay why leave an addictive game .if u do leave you will soon regret it and wished you hadnt quit .stay man
  11. +1 stay he's vote counts for 2
  12. Nothing but an attention whoorah.
  13. Who is this guy?
  14. Forums is awesome Booooo!
  15. I thought chu left
  16. I would vote, but then again I don't care.