Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by l_____Kingdom-_of__Heaven____I, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Leave

    Because you're the reason the dinosaurs died.
  2. This is serious lol if I quit then I will move onto LoL
    or something I feel like I cant find a home and
    so unwanted. There must be a reason for your vote to count.
  3. Thank you very much, Kingdom Of Heaven.

    I am just a player of Kaw.

    I believe on many things, however becoming a Valiant Knight is just a dream for me.

    Valiant Knight is no longer in my mind,
    It did not bring me down though.
    Because I am already happy. And I appreciate Kaw and the World! Can you see that?

    And finally, guess what? :D
    I was happy to see you making this thread today!

    It signals a thread of a new beginning for Kingdom to rise from Heaven and emerge becoming one of the best players in kaw!
    You are only beaten if you quit! But if you stay, you will eventually triumph!

    Not today, but ONE DAY! You will triumph! I believe in you!
    So smile!
    Because you are being yourself, and so I am happy to see you too!
  4. 2Yes and 3go not sure how to count rikki knowing that
    reason doesn't make sense
  5. Go.

    Can i vote again? Gooo
  6. Ur in the middle lol I like that u gave me Halloween wall art and that u farm but I don't like u when u don't follow tags in ee lol
  7. To other Kaw players,

    I am not asking or commanding you, but I hope all of you will give him another chance!
    Vote for him to stay!!

    Give Kingdom a chance once again!
    I want to see him triumph!
    Do the one kind deed that Kingdom of Heaven will appreciate for his lifetime! :D
  8. Yes rikki knows your dark dark secret
  9. Reset, please
  10. Ghost does that vote mean stay or go?
  11. Kingdom of Heaven...
    It's your choice man!
    If you feel like this game is not as fun and you don't enjoy it anymore then go!
    Don't ask us because there will be many trolls!
    Do what you feel inside your heart! :)
  12. Stay cuz positive beats negative 2 to 1 :)
  13. Despite the fact that you're an inactive indi war noob who didn't return any hits from me, you should stay. Whenever someone leaves it doesn't feel good.
    Stay, and make it right.
  14. Quit so I have less competition....
    Stay.... The more KaW players the better....
    But if Balto says to leave.... Then my vote also is for you to leave
  15. 3 stay 3 go this is real exciting
  16. 5 stay and 3 reset & quit
  17. Leave ..

    To cocky
  18. Leave please horrible in war (coming from the guy
    with SS hilarious right) please go
  19. 5 stay & 4 go
    also if you post leave or go make sure there's a reason for it.