Vote "NO" On KaW Admin Forum Poll

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. I shall vote no.
  2. Finally we have a thread that might to a message to those greedy devs......
  3. Ata is doing their best to make a game thats viable, but after all theyre a company and they must have basic stuff, and money is one. You dont have to pay, but if you want to you can, i wont vote no just because itll cost me xstals. I support the new post by kaw
  4. Favourate post of that thread : p11 4th post. Rude stating that by the maths of the devs in a 30 v 34 matchup . . . 30 Would get an extra xtal . . No ! . . That is all.
  5. totally support OP. Well done.
  6. OP stick it up your asshole. It's a great idea. I support the developers on it.
  7. The developers clearly know what they want for their game. If you created a game, would you want people to find every loophole and find ways to be better without playing properly.

    This is the same as pws. Pws got closed because they were disturbing the game's purpose. It always has been and always will be a war game. They want players to pvp, but not just hit hansels and pure spies purely for mith.
    Pwars were destroyed, because they were a vile abuse of the system. It was inevitable that mwars would be stopped.

    Estocs are still paying out, so just do them. As for the xtal situation, you're not being FORCED to use extreme amounts of crystals. It just gives you the option. You can't say that they are making you buy lots of xtals, because they're not
  8. And considering estocs is still paying out,that's the main way of getting mith. If you want to start a grudge sw against a clan, then you still can, and of that's the case, you shouldn't care about the reward, just about winning
  9. For time and the world do not stand still my friends. Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or to the present are sure to miss the future. Its natural for humans to oppose change. But its inevitable....these changes are happening. In order for ata to stay alive they must change and adapt so these tweaks may be necessary.
  10. Op speaks the truth
  11. Vote NO
  12. You could've just posted this on their thread like everyone else...
  13. Can post on that thread from my iPad apparently but I don't like their ideas but the it is their game and they are entitled to make it the way they want and I am entitled to not play the parts that annoy me. Go figure...
  14. Can't post even but my vot would be no