Vontez and sends apologies to Red-Cella

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Vontez, Sep 28, 2012.

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  1. war started I bought ally from cella I never look at owners only stats she bought back and attacked 5x causing me to lose 5b I retuned with 25x attacks than proceeded on there feast of Hansels/osfs
  2. At least they tried for only a few. No other clan would have tried. Cheers to HV for a valiant effort. Yall found your limits.
  3. If of all for all the people who just jumping on this threat.. @sacktapper nobody got handed to for your information.. We could of went on for month with out no reset.. So if u want to WAR get at us.  
  4. There will be no apology accept from HV noobs. Time to show these noobs their rightful Place. That is reset button. Vontez your miths are running out soon and so will be your allies....just matter of time. :mrgreen:
  5. Only 3 of could even attemt to hit cella so clan worked on alts . The strip damadge was not much on either side maybe each side lost 3t or so. I got my 5b back the hard way but the kaw way was fun and challenging not to end up naked but actually gain some gold.
  6. We not backing down from anybody they hit and we hit  UP.. Who else was gone step up to the plate with us. Cause door sure was open. Oh wait no 
  7. :shock:

    CF or HV give in? Big difference as to whether it's a CF or one side giving in. :)

    Exactly what I was thinking about miths part, --TYRANT--. :lol:
  8. Well all I say was you guys talking crap on fourms and a couple of people have enough troops to farm me so....
  9. I have plenty of mith that's no problem.
  10. How about my question, Vontez? Was it a CF or did you guys surrender?

    Big difference :shock:
  11. Looks like a cf is rejected....
  12. It was a cf and apology for running of the mouth
  13. So you are asking for a cf? It's not a mutual cf
  14. Lol Leo and others r quiet! Ran out of big talk guys?
  15. Well yeah. Running of mouths was indeed unnecessary. More than one thread made to "run" their mouths. They indeed need to apologize :lol:

    CF meant both side agree to it. If you are asking for CF, it's surrendering.
  16. 
  17. That is 1 hr ago. still arrogant and big headed as ever. now CF? anyway --TYRANT-- has spoken :lol:
    Thanks. open door, close door, back door, behind door We really look forward to stomp it. CF ur Head! now less Talk more smack :mrgreen:
    -- we dont trash, we smash --
  18. Madcow u have only wrote ... "@ bigdog" ?? Was there anything else? 
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