Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. $5 says parsfan loses sleep tonight thinking about troll.
  2. …… But is pars mad tho? :lol: :lol:
  3. there is a disturbance in the force.

  4. What all you kiss ass' s fail to realise is my pm is blowing up with offers to join and support for me ........ and not from the noob accounts on this thread lol.
    U guys really need some stats lol.
    Its funny to see just how many people out there actually cant stand troll and yous will all be next
  5. Dont be silly I just had a great sleep. ....and guess what trolls still in pin its been 36 hours its funny your starting to look like a computer program ;-)
  6. Making thinly veiled accusation of cheating now. He so mad.

    Didn't you quit, pars? You said you won and were going out on top. Why you still around crying errr talking about troll?
  7. Learn how to use Engrish op
  8. English
  9. No no it's engres

    -payed spokesperson on behalf of ashes. I am not ashes.
    (There now you can't claim I'm impersonating ashes)
  10. Troll you robot u forgot to cast your other mith spells and your still dtw 39 hours straight except the couple of hits I gave you when your batteries died
  11. 1) You definitely haven't been spamming me for 38 hrs straight, you went to be about 1 AM UK time.

    2) It's called I bank my gold, this puts me dtw steals from hansels/ps genius.
  12. U think im the only person sitting on you yeh

    Moron im in pm with about 10accounts spamming you....dont worry robot its been noted
  13. U think im the only person sitting on you yeh

    Moron im in pm with about 10accounts spamming you....dont worry robot its been noted
  14. Lets see those pms.

    I'm sure with you're literary skills you're also a master of game mechanics.

    Anyhow, last post on this thread today.
  15. Dont be silly noob you think I would just hand you all my cards .......god you really are stupid.

    Anyhow whats your plans today mate

    You n your mrs having a nice day out....nope
    You and your mates getting together. ..nope
    You even leaving the house today........nope

    Kawkawkawkawkaw................yes !!!!!!

    And the loser of the year award goes to guess who.

    !!!!!!!!! TROLL !!!!!!!!!
  16. And his buddies redstar and cells are gonna help him too. He also has Yafi ready to back him.


    SS or it didn't happen liar.

    Speaking of lying you still haven't shown me that you can make an account like this in under 24 hours.

  17. Nooo. This thread is my only reason to check Kaw since the devs went against their own rules and made making farming lists illegal.
  18. I dont need to lie to anyone .

    And im not about to give a list of names spamming him for kotfe to get a hold of....u mad bro
  19. So par, after you claim that you won, and after you Bitched about troll hitting you with multiple accounts, your going to keep the (Osw now?) going? That's about the most stupid thing you could possibly do, you're so incredibly hurt hurt over troll hitting you, that you constantly feel the need to lie and try to beat him. Have fun being farmed