Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Like I said stinky statless alts will be asked to leave.......if u dont youll simply be ignored
  2. I think I'm going to "dimply" ignore you
  3. No right to ask them to leave. They haven't done anything, and you are asking a whole group of people who haven't done stuff to refrain from posting.
    (See yellow helps catch attention)
  4. Ironic

    This whole thing started when parfay was asked to leave a tread multiple times for going off topic
  5. I cant force them to do anything im just saying post the exact same comments with a main not a statless making a point more than anything
  6. Sheesh. Maybe if I use cap locks you will read it


    Ask iReg (clan leader) or I can name a few non alliance members who can vouch that my main is long gone and this is my only account.

    Maybe read and you may learn something.
  7. Nope it started when you were told to stop crying about build tokens
  8. Lol, I can still post with a "statless alt", how's that make you feel par?
  9. Stinky noobs get no respect I can make an account with those stats in one day and u expect to be taken seriously. noob
  10. keep your lies up todd/mtlb as i sayd the strippers club versus yafi . banshee /makki/rusty/ lanie were in there till it ended and got the c.f for the clan . if you continued after that thats your own personal issues with yafi and unrelated to the strippers club osw . and why you saying about apoc they werent in the osw against the strippers club versus yafi. you are trying to diffuse your lies by trying to link in different fights you had.but they are seperate and not you didnt fight yafi alone . all the strippers club fighted yafi with you thats makki rusty banshee and lanie included
  11. proud that your scared to show your main to me lol
  12. That is his main retard
  13. I was actually in yafi during strippers osw and its making me laugh the more todd posts about this so called solo mission .

    Truth is we got more inc from mr biscuit than anyone else
  14. ...I'll post SS later you dumbass in the meantime ask anybody in Yafi ie: Sinan TripnFame Whiteghost will confirm ...don't hate just because you don't have the OSW balls I have you idiot lol
  15. Challenge accepted.
    Post with your 24 hour old account with these stats and number of lands explored and I will talk to the other council members about bringing our clan to your cause. I may be retired but I bet I still have enough sway to bail your sorry ass out.

    However, when you fail I expect a big I SURRENDER thread to troll as well as you joining a pal room to sing any song troll and I request in voice messaging.

    That or post you are a liar ASAP before your battleship mouth overloads your rowboat capabilities.

    Lol. Noob
  16. for your info todd im actually in a osw right now . just because im in my own clan you think im idle ha you really are clueless about me .i was in another only a few weeks ago . ive been in about 20 others since i began kaw. so you shouldnt spout your mouth as if your the only one who ever has been in osws .
  17. Maybe the reason he's been in so called pin is from self pinning to keep that shiny blade of his. Now I see why Troll seems to be an ass, he has to deal with morons like you

  18. Never said I was the only one hater ..and I'm ONLY responding to your accusations of me lying ...your OSW skills are pathetic Roni (mrs. Leblanc ...another wannabe loser)
  19. haha really i have no skills unlike you o great one yet my wins say otherwise .and i have fighted clans alone for months unrelated to the osws .so im sorry your he-man talk back fires on you . cause theres plenty all over kaw that have did more than you but dont need to jump on the bandwagon ganging up on someone to act as if your soo tough to try to impress troll. you are just mad i caught you out in your lies
  20. and todd your actually another wannabe scramblestthedeathdealer is the orgional who took on every clan and every person . you are just a tagger on and got busted spouting lies and didnt think anyone knew the back history.