Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. victory is not allways about winning its about giving it your best shot against the odds .
  2. Lmao Roni, the reason I'm opted out is because I don't like the pvp aspect of this game, like in kaw_coms thread earlier today, there are 2 points of view from players, pvp, then Ebs and working together, I don't mind the occasional pvp, but not being able to do anything except pvp, I'm not for that.
  3. todd ive did that too and still am . but the thing here thats most aggravating is the ones insulting parasfan n talking big .yet clearly are pre dominantly eb fairies . yet try talk down to parasfan as if they soo pro n hardcore.thats being a hypercrite at its finest.
  4. Roni PARSFAN IS AN EB FAIRY PERIOD ..he tries to act like he's not but I promise you HE DOES NOT PVP unless he has a large clan (or alliance) backing him he is seriously full of **** ask around see if you can find "1" player who says he's put up a worthy 1v1 fight
  5. mtlb theres nothing wrong with doing ebs i have fun doing them too . just curious which major appoinants youve fighted /enemys in your vast kaw sparring history mtlb?
  6. Mtlb .....your butthurt from when I hit you at yafiI spent 3 months there my accaccount is nearly 3 years old I eb when bored n pvp only when necessary just cause I dont run round like u means nothing
  7. 
  8. Yea mtlb... Tell us. We're so interested
  9. Clans ABC and all affiliates 2 years ago for 5 months ask Kaushin, Val or Eblord

    Simultaneously OSW Sabotage for 6 months (with help from one other player 5796/Majorlick) ask Apoc council

    Deadly legends (drunken care bear still butthurt)

    White Army

    Zaft (while I was in Sabotage) last year Zaft UC OSW

    6 months against Yafi mostly by myself did fight with MrB and Predator

    Several with BH (was there 6 months)

    Several with -23- can't remember all but one was legendary Hero's clan ...ask him

    Against AoW and Kotfe until I was booted for suspicion of being a mole

    After boot I kept fighting AoW on my own (see my wall for noob tears)

    Skirmishes with NA ...tried to OSW them but they were busy at the time

    Tried to join them to fight Yafi but forgot I had skirmishes with them ...hence the animosity between me and MickeyButterfly
    (Ask Twicc)

    ....can't think of them all will update when I think of more
  10. ill ask ben my friend from sabotage
  11. you did not fight yafi by yourself rusty and makki and lanie and banshee was in there also

  12. Lol ask Roland Snowman Crystakee Solarstream Wandering Chief any of them

    Roni you don't seem to realize that this is BaconTodd and MTLB is my alt 

  13. Oh yes I did lol I'll post SS later ask ...Whitehhost lol 
  14. todd/mtlb i was in strippers club osw against los/blood orchid so anything about t.s.c i follow with intrest .so i know you didnt fight yafi alone
  15. rusty and banshee and makki and lanie were in the osw against yafi to the end of it. i know that because they are loyal to mrB
  16.  with mr b and pred ... In that stupid and idiotic osw the only player that hit back was predator... Mr b and everyone else turtled and opened their ass nice and wide to take it
  17. But seriously... Stop flattering yourself. Honestly smack... Because you joined a clan against yafi and turtled for months doesn't mean that you can sit there and flex your biceps  we all know that you weren't a real contender in the osw ...
  18. I'm not sure quitting the game before a fight is over constitutes as winning.
  19. Let him dream

  20. Someone give this man a medal