Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. OP is a ***** lol ...can't take on "1" clan by himself  ...Parsfan you're the biggest coward who plays KAW go back to Yafi and suck up to them what you claim Kotfe and Troll are doing is nothing you've done yourself many times you ******* hypocrite only difference being I've never seen Troll or anyone from Kotfe cry about it like your fagot aaa does
  2. What a moron ↑↑↑↑ you clearly dont know me..

    Since all who do know I fight my own fight n never ask for help.

    The only person kissing ass here is in plain sight its all these guys sucking up hard to troll in fact they are sucking up to troll so hard there lips must be sore .
  3. We know all too well you lying ***** 
  4. It's not worth arguing with stupid people, let him get his attention.
  5. Lmao yeah like how you suck Bella's ass (and other Yafi members)  ...Parsfan you suck the chrome off of Yafi's bumpers you fagot
  6. actually i give praise to parasfan ive fighted troll and i know how hard it is to keep going just by being hit by the troll account which is a massive account. but all trolls alts are impressive big stats as well and theres 6 he hit me with also . so to be fighting 7 big accounts versus 1 .that shows parasfan has backbone and holds his own . everybody can kiss up to troll but id like to see the situation reversed and you being hit by 7 accounts non stop you would be thinking different. and high voltage you talk big insulting parasfan yet youve got the opt out spell on . i guess fighting aint your thing
  7. Roni difference is you actually hit back. Parsfan doesn't and claims he does. He even claims to have reset his "Bomb" on me. Guess what I still have it.

    You at least have my respect roni, you probably did 5k inc on me in 2 weeks. Parsfan is under 200 in that same time frame. Plus he has an alt he uses to dump troops on me.

    Also, if you think either of you constantly get inc from alts you're naive lol, I hardly hit either of you with them.
  8. LMMFAO Roni you ******* retard you don't know **** about Parsley i fought Parsley and all Yafi 1st without LOS then with LOS for the better part of 5 months ..."7" accts???? Lol Try fighting 200(give or take a few) and what he's crying about is something he's done before many times (HYPOCRITE) the fact that you're the only one defending him on this thread says ALOT.

    ...btw your grammer and spelling seem to be getting a "little" better kudos on that lol
  9. A ps with allies? Now that's a funny one
  10. "Fighting" yafi is a big word no? U mean you got reamed ? ...just saying
  11. So.basically you're claiming victory without doing any damage and retiring while on top. So in reality he whooped your ass to the point of you quitting.
  12. Don't ruin op's "moment"
  13. Never said I won asshole but I never started a thread crying about it and no I didn't go inactive I kept fighting Yafi is the one who decided to move on
  14. Never said u won either
  15. Yeah and I've NEVER seen you take on bigger opponents by yourself ...EVER only seen you puppy dog after the clans your in at the time ...kind of like how Parsley does
  16. I prefer ebs. I say prefer but I mean love
  17. Self admitted EB fairy ...yup
  18. You're smart. You were able to read between the lines! #apheriumismyhomeboy
  19. And your a coward you join OSW clans to ride seals then when it comes down to actually fighting all you do is talk in forums like you're actually doing something ...wait are you Parsley's alt? because that's exactly what he does wonder
  20. What does that have to do with anything? Lol