Versa's BFA Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Bumpity Bump. Helpful guide should be in AT :lol:
  2. :lol: I like how in the of the ally bonuses, you blur out the total cost of your allies when you only had 4 at the time. Any player could've went to your profile and added up the price of them.
  3. This guide is correct in a roundabout way but is overcomplicating a very simple issue. You do in fact get 10m added to your stats, not 200k if you have 10m in allies. The real simple way of thinking of it is to add it directly into your power instead of your cs. Why would you want to convert it to cs and add it to your own ca mentally? Do you convert your eq bonuses to cs to think about those too? no, of course not. So why do it for ally bonus?
  4. Technically you are incorrect, you would not get 10 mil added to your stats, you'd have it added to your power/strength. You add it to your cs with the conversion so you can tell how much you are actually earning. Seeing as everything in this game is determined by stats instead of power, the conversion helps newer players understand how much of something really is.
  5. Yep, you get your bfa directly added into your raw stats("your power"). It remains static throughout the unload. It never changes your cs or bta as some call it, it's just neat to know how much it would change it if it did.