Venture - Sign Ups

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Winters, May 29, 2012.

    Caps make everything better
  2. Name: Kleimon (goes by Klei, pronounced like Simon)
    Age: whatever would be considered 'young' for a Demon
    Gender: no definitive gender, but it (she?) acts more feminine than masculine.

    Personality: Kleimon behaves very similarly to a young child, but it/she can form complete sentences, and think as an adult, etc. Klei is generally mischievous, and doesn't really understand consequences or cause and effect.

    Profession: Demon, Trouble-maker?

    Appearance: about 3 and a half feet tall, and has the physique and body type of a 6-8 year old girl. Klei's skin is a kind of purplish red, and big black eyes. It/she has quite large, impish ears, and grey horn "nubs". Klei has small, red wings on her back. Klei has no, uh, gender specific anatomy.

    Quirks/other: loves cheesecake, and has an extremely short attention span. A little bit of a kleptomaniac, which doesn't really work considering it/she has no pockets...easily distracted by shiny things. Flies around a lot, doesn't stay in one place.

    Currently teething.

    Backstory: __ years ago, Kleimon realized that heaven is really shiny, what with golden harps, bells, and halos, so she/it decided to try to reach there. However, a summoner caught her/it during her/it's journey through earth(?), and that is where Kleimon is now.

    Hope you like her :D
  3. I love it Allioss Before I post the first few chapters I need one or two more sign ups. Another Summoner please? :D
  4. Wait I know I could sign up on my alt and make another one. If so then I'll do it in around 3-4 house cause it's meh birthday right now. My alt is theweepingangel if you want me to do it.
  5. :L I wanted to do someone in epsionage… But I can't think of a backstory. I'll be back with one later.
  6. I'll Accually post on my alt in like an hour he can be a summoner
  7. :L Can I make mine the character that burned Stora's town down?
  8. Save me a spot i have to go to school but will post after
  9. Name: Garth
    Profession: bartender
    Appearance: He is average height, a little on the heavy side.
    Age: 20
  10. Name: Jum-Jum

    Age: Old

    Appearance: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!
    Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!
    And eyes and ears and mouth and nose!
    Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!

    Personality: Cheesecake

    Profession: A good one

    Backstory: Too lazy :(
  11. Candi, sure.
  12. @Candi using my epic backstory to base your own? lol
  13. I will be the vigilante Angel, known to everyone but God as Aristotle Jones.

    I'm like a combo of badass, southern...ness, and angel. Woot woot. I'll make the signup later.
  14. Nuh-uh. xD I just like arson, and I don't want to have two towns burned down. >.>;
  15. Lol that's nice of you
  16. xD I think I'll be posting a mini-bio for my character's cat.
  17. KITTEH!! <3
  18. Ooh if we get pets can my character get a pet moose?
  19. Probably not xP
  20. Dx Can I have the cat?