I'm still not doing anything, however I'm clearly the main protagonist not Winters; My high levels of activity clearly say "I'm the hero of this story…" Even though my character is has the quintessence 'evil' job… :3
Stop bullying Stora Choco; Her bipolar has left her in a very fragile state of mind. Just kidding, But seriously, we shouldn't mock people with bipolar disorders, they aren't things to make jokes of.
But making fun of people who are bipolar is like making fun of people who are dyslexic, or laughing at someone with a deformity.
And then my guy shows up and backslaps evil Lol haveing read the story it seems i misunderstood the context and it'll be hard to fit him in, if you do at all>_<
Love it still!!! Keep me posted. When ur next chapter is posed tell me... some how... lol Also, question. Your going to incorporate my character right? Its okay if your not.