vegans are superior

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Leavanny, Aug 8, 2016.

  2. You're trolling right?
  3. Then how does goku always manage to beat him? Answer that, smart guy.
  4. Stopped reading there
  5. Truth*
  6. Well while I continue laughing I'll continue cooking my burgers
  7. But did you know crops take up, destroy and use more land,water than any other food sources ??
  8. ^that's not true

    you get way more calories per acre and per gallon of water from crops than livestock

    not sayin meat isn't tasty.

    just sayin
  9. I laughed at all the lies.
  10. Vegans should be publicly executed for being too weak to eat the flesh of beasts.

  11. I like my vegans grass-fed, cooked rare.
  13. You think your saving grain and water by not eating cows? Lol
    By not eating the cows, you allow them to live, hence more food and water consumption for all the living cows!
    To each their own, if you want to live on tofu then do it. That don't mean I have to give up my meat. Not happening !!
  14. This... :lol:
  15. Preach
  16. Lol in b/4 lock
  17. Bruh, mod has posted on thread
  18. This thread doesn't logic!! Make it stop!! :D :D
  19. This grammar doesn't logic!! Make it stop!! :D :D
  20. If we were meant to eat vegetables & never consume meat. Our dietary system would not be able to process the meat properly. Also overcrowding would accrue as animals we previously hunted as food will quickly over populate.

    There's few things I find wrong (eating wise) one thing I find even more wrong then the mere thought process required to process the statement "I refuse to eat meat". Is wasting an animal you could have eaten. While I agree with hunting for sport. Most hunters at least give away the meat from their kill if they do not choose to keep It themselves. If the world was vegan hunting for sport would still be around, however it would result in wasting meat. Let's face reality if predators could control the population they would. We play a major role in keeping animal population in check.