Valiant Knight Additions (April 2015)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. I think he just did lol
  2. Hooray so your saying this program will be forgotten for another 6 months? Lol
  3. Congrats! :)

    I always knew AJ and Sean would get it one day or another.
  4. Gratz Sean893!!! You deserved it :)
  5. I have never encountered a wild Sean893 before...
  6. Am I still the only one that finds sean just a TAD creepy?
  7. Yes, yes you are.
  8. Congrats everyone! These people really deserve the awards they have received today!
  9. Sean is really nice... even to points where he is creepy. :eek:
  10. That's what I meant. :shock:
  11. I think devs meant to say - you would find it hard to find any vets who know who the something these players are lol
  12. I would even go so far as to re state my opinion other than wulf the award is one of the biggest jokes in kaw awarded to nobodies who are brown noses devs just continue to loose credibility - oh wait that was wrong sorry - you have to have some credibility first 
  13. Dear Everyone,

    It has been my kind honour to be helping out the community consistenly in world chat and in forums. To answer player's questions, to lead everyone in the right direction, to make players smile, I feel happy to be receiving this most prestigious award!!

    To be honest, I never thought that I would become a new Valiant Knight and be one of everyone! I never thought I could do it! It shocked me a lot to see myself now being one, and now I am really, really happy for it!

    Today, when I see this forum post made by the
    Developers, it marks a day in my life, where I might have not just made everyone happy, but I finally blossomed as well!

    *Drops down in tears*

    I would like to say that everyone who I have wished a happy day, has been wishing it back to me as well! Seeing everyone's words of encouragement on my wall makes me want to cry with tears!

    I can't think of what to say anymore, because I'm going to cry now!

    Anyway, congratulations to AJ and Moody! You guys have deserved it too!

    I DID IT!!!! :D

  14. Yeah, he's pretty creepy.
  16. It's time to continue The Valiant Knight Tales. *Emoji eyes*
  17. WAHHHHHHH!!! I need another hug now!!
  18. Valiant knights doing rp seen it all now
  19. I think I have too...