Valiant Knight Additions (April 2015)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. I think Sethasaurus_ should be valiant knight.
  2. sethosaurus_ is a no-no for valiant knight . he has been a nasty troll since he began kaw. hes a attention seeker who copys other peoples ideas and work then trys turn it to appear all his own work . a more deserving new addition for valiant knight is Miek01 .she has for many years helped new players .giving up her own growth to aid new players.
  3. I think DirtyLarry should be a valiant knight.
  4. "No supoort"
  5. Which one?
  6. All of them.
  7. 

  9. You nauseate me
  10. I think VK should be pulled from willy

    His full player name is a spat in the face of TOU
  11. Can we have a bad guy category ? "Brings nothing to the table" 
  12. This player reminds me of roni...

    Now, "Larry", let's have a chat. So because I have, in the past, had ideas that were unoriginal, yet my own, that makes me a theif?

    Yeah, I do have ideas that are like many others, but that doesn't mean I didn't think them up on my own. People do it all the time.

    As for the troll part, yeah. I've trolled a LOT in the past and I'll own up to it  but I consider myself much more mature now than I was a year ago.

    No, this isn't me trying to say I should be VK. I don't think I should, I don't offer anything unique to the community. I just wanted to clear up my ego (or, lack that of :p)
  13. Devs please add a activity spell that you have to cast 2 mins before war ..., this will prevent slackers ..... Maybe even make a second spell to cast during war at a random time, if you fail to do either it will result in broken sword 1 day for every extra offence for a grand total of 5 days broken sword. This would get rid of all the free riders .s5
  14. That is roni lol
  15. Wrong thread mate.

  16. I feel ya, cuz. I feel ya.
  17. Bump for leomasters1221!

    This is the announcement where I got bestowed as a Valiant Knight on April 25, 2015! On the first page, you can see me there! :D
  18. Wish I culd be a valiant knight
  19. You can, it is possible! If you put your heart and time into helping the players and the game, you may be noticed and you will be awarded with that achievement someday! :D