Val Logic

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xx_H-I-D-U-D-E_xX, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. You can't relate to "Take that Mexico"? What had this world come to?
  2. Hmmm may be I should try a thread you can relate.. 
  3. Kaw~ the luv by none other than stat. Post a acc with stats near mine, and il chuck a
    Couple hits at it for you :lol:
  4. Yea.. Not the same without me and lycan have an argument with buckeye they where good times
  5. Oh buck and his blindly conservative views...
  6. I like to hope that he's just playing devil's advocate.
  7. Pums, I'm interested to see wether you think I'm new to here or not lmao. From previous posts it looks like you think I joined maybe a year ago.
    I was Vandalise, Valuable, lll____M4riju4n4____lll, or whatever else my Alts where called
  8. And I haven't seen you post forums in a while. Or maybe I've just been busy ingame, with Having to command, track, organise Everrrrry EE war
  9. Oh yea I know who you are. I used to quite like you, a good farmer and made good threads, but ever since the worms/strafe run thing everything you do seems to be rather.. Egotistical? I guess that's the best word for what I want.
  10. My threads ain't good no more? I post a good thread here and there no question about it, maybe I'm just trying to provoke someone to put me in my place, Lmfao
  11. I kinda would like to see you get in a fight with someone/clan on your level. I heard the holly domo guy has about a billion Alts. It would be
    Fun to watch, since apparently ee is to easy for a clan of gh lol.
  12. You mean vontez, lol talk of the ******* devil I tell ya. He followed me yesterday and we talked in pal
  13. Lmfao iger... Stalking?!!!

  14. Who the **** is vontez? My stalking extends to walls win loss allies owners and achivs. Not pal.

    If vontez is the holly domo guy Iv heard about. Described to me as "a big ball of rage with a million Alts." Then I didn't know it lol
  15. Holy domo was in Holy Vanguard with Vontez. Vontez also has like 30 alts
  16. But no thAt domo guy isn't the alt guy lmao. It's vontez
  17. Ah. Same clan similar accounts but different people I guess.
  18. Ohh, it is the same person. Nm
  19. The clan was known as HiV to many 
  20. It is? Oh. Coz I know where all vontez Alts r sitting and he ain't there, I don't think?