UVE vs white hand

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Citizen-erased, May 16, 2012.

  1. Cynderstrike, are you high? You guys have never Warred with me, i trashtalked you guys in the declaration of war AAH made ón YAFI. In case you did not read thère, let mé explain it to you again.. iSS is a bunch of wussies that rarely anyone knows about, and certanly nobody have respect for.. Im just stating my opinion in this thread, whereas you trying to Make up stories.. If you are so sure, tell mé what war and when i ran? I have never run from a war so good luck with that, i stay till the end, i have nothing to lose.. For mé its just a game.
  2. Lolz why we need respect from noobs? Just because we don't feel the need to display our war record does not mean there isn't a long list. If you wana see us in action keep being a moron
  3. We don't need recognition and don't seek attention for playing the game like it was meant to be played. The best farmers are the ones you don't hear about. Talk softly, carry a big stick. Whilst you do the exact opposite.
  4. Yeah sure, atleast i dont have to brag about my supposedly big stick ón an internet forum. This is a forum, if you dont like my opinion then you should get off it, forum is a place for people to post their opinion and thoughts..
    And you were the one trying to Hunt glory, claiming i ran from ISS, which btw never happend. I never dragged ISS into this convo, you did, and I commented on it.
  5. u say this is a place to post comments....all i see u doing is crying amazingly....sad :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. tell you wot seeing as you lot can't or don't play kaw (this much is obvious) lets settle this on your level say 5 games off DRAW SOMETHING??
  7. Yes I'm hunting glory. Lmao! So if I defend my clans warring capabilities after you attack them I'm suddenly pompous? Nice position for you to be in. So negative nancy...since you love to talk, how was your day? Did you finish all your homework. Daddy will be upset if you don't grow into a successful entrepreneur.