UVE vs white hand

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Citizen-erased, May 16, 2012.

  1. It's CHEEEEEEEZEH 

    And yes lawl! Congrats on the promo,I Beleive you were in WH during our war :)
  2. Get out of pin op - i want to strip you dry
  3. 'we are already winning but need more members for a final push' - LMFAO!! Epic!
  4. Sounds like op is giving birth
  5. True lol and now members are returning from leave and at the winning part. you made me wet my pants i laughed so hard!
  6. Several members were gone for numerous reasons include a few going to FF, but now that we're back, we'll show these noobs who's winning. 
  7. This isn't over yet? Lol
  8. Hmm...can't tell if op is trolling or just....not smart.
  9. Both??
  10. My money on whitehand
  11. Wow ce u have done some pretty stupid thing but ths tanks up there

    GO WH
  12. 3 days since "war" was declared, still no hits on us, CE stripped
  13. Damn, hit send

    CE stripped of 7B, 5B Allie now 
  14.  nice xtreme
  15. lol rly? ill be back soon to whip him again... annoying
  16. ... You don't "winning" WH, WH "winning" you.
  17. Lol darkness
  18. *sigh* WH is gonna kick ass
  19. UVE has balls id say but they will and are getting crushed.