Use Your Spectral Lanterns + Candles Now!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. We should get nobs as a refund as this was a reward from shards event which we werent told it was going to expire. I dont think u should remove them then place them in marketplace for sale
  2. Re: Use Your Spectral Lanterns Candles Now!

    Spy quests ? Maybe give back to your customers?
  3. Re: Use Your Spectral Lanterns Candles Now!

    Would it bankrupt ata if we had more wc speakers that were I don't know free in a social game? Too much to ask?
  4. Re: Use Your Spectral Lanterns Candles Now!

    As much sense as that makes, and it probably wouldn't bankrupt ATA, however, the WC advertising makes WC difficult to talk in as it is... Any more free speakers, (in my opinion), would increase the amount of WC adverts, which would probably lead to a decrease in free speakers. Great idea, just wouldn't work in the reality of WC.
  5. Re: Use Your Spectral Lanterns Candles Now!

    @S.M.A.S.H they don't require us to have sim/speaker. WC is free
    While in KaW they want us to buy with nobs if we ran out of speakers. 
  6. As a reminder, Spectral Lanters and Candles will be removed from the game at 12:00PM PDT today (in approximately 2 hours). Please use any you have left before that time.
  7. Thanks for the reminder KaW_Com.

    And also, if you'd like, check out this.

    I mean, you don't have to check out this, but that'd be kosher.
  8. Please update wars
  9. Re: Use Your Spectral Lanterns Candles Now!

    Wow. i actually agree with you for once.
  10. No more lanterns to light the way. How will I wake up and go to the bathroom at night without stubbing my toe?