USA vs China and Russia

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_Acnologia_-, Sep 8, 2016.

  1. France wouldn't of been defeated in ww1, the real reason for the victory was the growing use of tanks. This is what secured the victory for the allies in ww1, with or without America the growing use of tank warfare was going to force Germany into submission.
  2. Naw Germany was far ahead then any of allies when it came to ground warfare, they also trashed France as it is the usual with the last major wars France was in lol
  3. Far ahead of the allies in ground warfare? That can be seen by Germany's total tank number of 20 compared to France's and Britain's combined number of 6,506.
  4. You seem to have a hatred for the French armed forces. Why is that? Other than the stereotype of the French being cowards there's little proof of your accusation.

    Yes, the allies liberated France in ww2, but they liberated you in the revolution so it's about even. France outperformed the Americans in ww1 and Vietnam. The average French soldier is superior to the average American soldier, even today.

    What's with all the hatred?
  5. lol the French suck they laid it down in WW2 ...completely worthless such as yourself 
    And every other male member of your inbred family lol go brush your teeth!!

  6. Another top class comeback from todd "go brush your teeth".....yup ....pure class

    Keep in mind ....this is a guy who said he has loads of people working for him.

    Earns the big bucks.

    And claims to be ex military.

    Pure catfish
  7. The French government laid down arms in ww2 but at least they had arms to lay down, in the revolution America had to beg the French for arms.
  8. As in their quality of their tanks,artillery, etc. You should know how their technology faired in that war and in world war 2. You also brought Britain and France into this, both got trashed by Germany in both wars
  9. They weren't even a nation at the time, your point is invalid
  10. The British Mark V was a far superior tank to the German A7V, the A7V was a flawed prototype that was rushed onto the battlefield.
    Stop speaking out your ass to try and win any argument.

    German tanks were usually superior than allied tanks in ww2 but the production costs meant they ultimately ended up being a big reason they lost
  11. Ah your right about their tanks in world war 1 but that didn't matter now did it? Also their artillery decimated them, the Paris gun rekt France
  12. That was also not really a big factor why they lost
  13. Yea artillery was a great threat against tanks when they were first introduced, but as we learned to use tanks better and escorted them with air cover and our own artillery coverage, we dominated the battlefields. As the war progressed we would of learned to use tanks better and they would of been the deciding factor of the war
  14. Neither were the Americans, they both had the same effect on the enemy. A psychological effect but ultimately they were both ineffective fighting forces when they joined the war. Tanks had a lot more potential than American infantry did of changing a battle.
  15. Germany was far ahead of the Allies in utilising heavy indirect fire, you know this. The minenwerver or however you spell which was used for trench warfare which they excelled the most in that war I believe.
  16. Not really America was an even bigger factor with their support, but you are a bit right
  17. How does any of that change the fact that Germany was at breaking point even before the Americans joined?
  18. Both France and Britain were at a breaking point. Both sides couldn't really deal a fishing blow later in the war. Britain's Naval battles near the end with the help from America is what really made a huge difference. But even still Germany inflicted more damage on their mighty naval army, though Britain manage to cut of Germany's supplies with their naval army
  19. Lets not forget Germany's ground work caused more casualties for France and Britain, since you believe the allies ground warfare did better
  20. The allies could afford casualties, the central powers could not. Look at the populations of the countries.

    Central Powers:

    Germany - 66 million
    Austria - 52.8 million
    Ottoman Empire - 19-20 million
    Bulgaria - 4.5 million


    British Empire - 380-410 million
    France - 60 million
    Russia - 166 million (left war March 1918)
    Italy - 34.7 million
    Belgium - 7.4 million
    Greece - 4.8 million
    Portugal - 6 million
    Romania - 7.5 million
    Serbia - 4.5 million
    Japan - 53.6 million
    Montenegro - 0.5 million

    The British alone outnumbered the central powers by 2 to 1 in available manpower.