No, Germany did not trash the warriors of Russia. The Russian soldiers made a sacrifice that shouldn't be turned into a joke by some disrespectful over-patriotic American. The Russians fought and they sacrificed more than America ever would of sacrificed to win. Sure, they took heavy casualties but that wasn't the soldiers fault, that was Stalins fault. If he didn't purge the military leadership in the 30's then the Red Army would of dominated the eastern front. The Americans on the other hand, they got trashed at pearl harbour and couldn't win against Japan conventionally so had to use a nuke. That's getting trashed.
He could of negotiated? Have you not heard of the appeasement? I'm pretty sure Britain and France would have agreed to null the 'surpression' of Germany..
Not sure I agree with that, they could have won conventionally, but at a much, much greater cost to life for both Japan and the allied forces. If only they had been so decisive 5 years previously huh? Ofcourse Hiroshima couldn't have happened without the German scientists captured in Berlin.. Which couldn't have happened without the red army defeating the Germans. Which couldn't have happened without the British allowing a second front.. Which couldn't have happened had Britain lost the Battle of Britain.
Appeasement is what I've mentioned before ...most of Europe let MrH just walk through their countries. Hell Vichy French government sided with Hitler, at the beginning of WW2 some French actually fought against the allies. The official French government were flat out collaboraters
A surprise attack his trash? Hideo Kojema or however you spell his name was a nutjob, who grew arrogant, and when the tide changed grew desperate. That bombing was done rightfully so. Lets not forget their mass suicide as well, their ways sucked their government at the time sucked. No apology
Stalin was Russia at the time, their leadership was weak, and they weren't so industrialized at the time. They were trashed
All of Europe was trashed and in ruins we rebuilt Germany just Like we rebuilt Japan and Korea ...look at em' now all 3 powerhouses
At the time because he purged the military leaders in the 30's. Again, if this was not done then the Red Army would of completely dominated the Germans.
Dummy what's your point? ...They destroyed pretty much the entire Pacific fleet when (as some of you pointed out at a time when we had almost ZERO wartime manufacturing capabilities) yet we still whoop the dog snot out of em' in 4 years ...they still our pions. So??
I'll debate with monk as he can at least make a semi coherent post, you are incapable of doing that Todd. So I'll just ignore you
It really doesn't matter what you morons say...history is written by the winners and every history book says we won em' all so that means we must have lol ...when the books say different we might take a relook at this thread but till then... "USA!USA!USA!USA!USA!" "WE'RE NUMBER 1!!!! "WE'RE NUMBER 1!!!!" TRUMP 2016 iPhone forever
Actually many history books say that you lost 1812, the bay of pigs, Korean War, Vietnam and the war on terror. In fact the only ones that say you won them are the censored american history books. Just cause your country censors history as much as North Korea, it doesn't mean you won the wars.
Then list a bibliography of those that say that LOLOL ain't no history books say we lost all that Loser "USA!USA!USA!USA!USA!USA!" iPhone
lol even if they is they written by commies or drunk hatin' scots or some other has beens or never wases
So because a government is terrible, an entire city deserves to be bombed with a new and relatively untested weapon? I understand and agree with the main reason for it being done, however your explanation is morally absurd. "Rightfully" killing tens of thousands of civilians? Interesting compass you have there, it may be broken, I fear.