Is this idiot still trying to convince everyone else that they are idiots? Can someone lock this for false info? Also on a stretch, he is encouraging people to break state law. Because he doesn't understand that the Supreme Court has limited influence on state laws. Or that no rights in the constitution are absolute. Free speech doesn't give you the right to yell fire in a crowed theater, you can't sacrifice human beings in the name of religion, convicted felons can't own guns most places, and public safety > a reference to "liberty" in the preamble. He also doesn't understand why his mother never loved him.
What I got from this is "you can drive without a license, as long as you act well enough to not get pulled over"
if you had read thru it you will see state courts ruling the same thing, no license is required to use an automobile on the roads, your trying to cover it up because your either an attorney or a cop
yeah. i'm a cop lawyer. obviously. because no one else understands the basic principles of u.s. law. only cops, lawyers, and people like you that believe whatever you read on the internet. :roll:
Everyone want to find excuses and sidestep the topic, just show me the proof as I have shown you, over a dozen state and federal cases where the right to liberty is upheld, someone show me any evidence to back up your common knowledge "everyone knows you need a license to use your own property"
you tried to say that before and it didn't work then either, is a respectable law school, these court cases are avaliable online and that doesn't prove they are not real
you are a failure as a troll. a failure as a legal scholar. and; according to what your ex tells me, a failure as a man. can't you see that everyone is just laughing at you and only pretending to "argue" so that we can keep making fun of what a pathetic attempt this is?
Lol that is still not evidence of your position, you believe everything you hear, I believe what the supreme court says is a right, you can see how from my point of view you guys are the idiots, show me the law bro
you seem to have trouble grasping the whole "no one is taking this seriously because we all know you are wrong and it isn't worth making a lengthy explanation of the many reasons you are a moron" thing. (6)Motor vehicle.— The term “motor vehicle” means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo. (10)Used for commercial purposes.— The term “used for commercial purposes” means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit.
Yup see "motor vehicle" defined as used in commerce, so the DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE is in fact licensing commercial activity and only commercial activity
it's a too simplistic view of the law i.e.: 1. citizens have the right to vote (unless you have a felonious record) ...doesn't mean you don't have to register to vote. 2. Same with gun ownership citizens without felonies can own guns ...dsnt mean you don't have to register the gun (some states you don't under some circumstances) or go through a back ground check "Regulations" and constitutionally protected rights are two completely seperate things ...local municipalities have the right to regulate pretty much anything in the constitution as long as it dsnt interfere with the inherent meaning of those constitutional rights.
oh? from the internet? well then. i must accept "defeat". wait....when did anything i say even come close to involving the definition of motor vehicles? omg. have i unknowingly been posting false definitions of what a motor vehicle is? should i see a doctor?