Upgrade castle???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by buddaray, Sep 8, 2010.

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  1. For history!!
  2. Sigh. Whatever. Before this gets locked, I'll say this: iFile gets you places.
  3. Actually it reads "I can't believe you think there's a code "
  4. This is pretty old ._. But I was around hehe
  5. This actually looks like the current level 3 castle :O
  6. Tell Me Op…

    Are You To Lazy To Move Your Dam Finger And Ask A Clan mate/Friend/Owner/Etc


    Are You Just New To The game.A Blank Slate Waiting To Be Written On?
  7. My Guess Was The First One.Lazy As A Donkeys Ass.
  8. Look at the date created paint... 
  9. Why does the fake castle upgrade from 2010 look exactly like the actual castle upgrade?
  10. Well Someone Bumped It
  11. And someone didn't read the OP thoroughly enough 
  12. Stop necrobumping :|
  13. ^lol I just realized this is from 2010.....

    I was wondering why some called Toast by his old name. XD

    And that fact Toast even posted at all :lol:
  14. That castle was amazing done xD
  15. Ahh... I actually was someone who tried to see if Outdoortoast had a castle upgrade, I scouted and eventually got through.... So many pots wasted
  16. / locked

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