*Updated...* Updated Splash Screen

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. KaW has a sense of humor :p
  2. Ummmm..... Kaw_admin? I thought we had talked about this? And we had decided, indubitably, that a cartoonized image of me was going to be processes through. I even gave you my real picture and my cartoon version. All you had to do was put a sword where the fun is. WTF???

    I'm sure this was a simple error. So I will, once again, send my version to you so that you can fix this misunderstanding

  3. Processed* gun*.

    Look! You have me so upset, I'm mis-typing 
  4. Lol belle nice cartoon pic ;)
  5. Lmfao. That looks way better devs  I'll drink to that 
  6. Dear Bellemorte,

    While we have some of the top artists in the industry, they informed me that they just did not have the skill to accurately capture your... "beauty". :p

    Sincere Apologies,

  7. Nice job kaw. I didn't think the updated splash screen was that bad, but I do like the updated updated splash screen better. How soon before we can expect to update this updated update? For those on Droids, are they going to have to re-update the latest update to get the updated update as well? 
  8. Haha devs are redditors.
    Makes so much sense...
  9. Oh an nice save with belle 
  10. I like the first one
  11. Dear KaW_Admin,

    I would like for you to have the picture with the PIMD shirt on, it really looks good, and will attract a lot of perverts.
  12. kaw assn 20/20/0 att 3/4 p:41

    Apology to follow for referring to my queen's beauty with quotation marks.
  13. So your game will make more money
  14. Better then the prior one. Still not my male eye candy mind!!
  15. Still no update on equip so it must be coming out tommorow before war just to keep us waiting!
  16. I like the first one, but seriously, the newest one is better then the newer one, lolz
  17. the boobs kinda look like man pecs. make em more boobier 
  18. Just a thought but why not dress her with some of the equipment that is currently out?
  19. lololololol! :lol:
    I really do like the pimd one :p
    but regardless, i like the splash screen! excellent job!
  20. Way better than the other "update screen"