Hope all the whiners will be happy now, the six pack and square jaw are gone. More detail, more clothes and smaller hands are in.
Lmmfao! :lol: OMG you guys made me laugh so hard with that first pic! So glad to see you all have a sense of humor - even digging at your own app, PIMD. Hilarious! Glad to see you all taking heed of our feedback. I have newfound respect for you, devs The new pic is MUCH better!
I was honestly confused and worried when I saw that first pic. I was thinking "are you out of your minds?" then I scrolled down and saw the real one and I wasn't worried anymore ;P
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! That's some funny ****! Great to see you guys gotta sense of humour is this kaw or pimd?? Ha ha ha ha
Uh, devs are taking piss out of us, not pimd! Everybody complaining, as if to say, this is supposed to be kaw, not pimd lol