Re: Upcoming Event Details! I think this is ultimately a happy medium to include pvp in the events. It can still be adjusted and perfected but as a first step it works. There is a strip protection protocol (which I hate) in place as well as one to prevent alt farming. It would be fun if there were a way to allow strips to work with this. Maybe a pay and play spell but I can see how that would be met with a lot of friction. Especially with how some players use scripts and bots to both strip and protect from strips. (An issue that would need to be resolved first.) Still, all complaints are mute to this point because the most important part is that the first step towards including OSW into events was taken and it is a very great step. Allows EBs to drop more items than any action but allows players to hit targets without falling too far behind. Hopefully it works because this is a win for PvP without truly hindering PvE players.
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Finally, someone understands. I see yo many people asking questions that are answered in the thread.
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Any of the idiots thinking it "favors spy builds", you are wrong. The wording is bad, but "stolen items" references stealing items they have generated or stolen from others. It's the exact sane phrasing on every pvp blitz.
Re: Upcoming Event Details! I mean, all they would have to do is actually read the entire thing to figure that out.
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Sounds like you did this almost 3 years ago. Except u have an option to opt out from the start now. Guess you guys are just recycling old stuff?
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Give us a plunder boost but no event items for hitting those who opt-out :lol:
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Not really. The last event didn't involve PvE and it didn't involve alt farming protocols.
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Thanks for trying something different devs. Interested to see how it plays out. Looking forward to doing something different. Props for listening to the community and introducing something different. Hopefully it's a good event
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Keep people that want to war and people that want to eb hunt separate. Why force your will on eb hunters and make them pay the price to get weak rewards and work hard for weak rewards. ATA starting to sound like Trump. Yeah the people that like war or the one's that dont care agree with you but the eb hunters are like WTF. I give a vote down on this for not having equality.
Re: Upcoming Event Details! You can't really Complain this is the second ever event they have done to suit the pvp players since the game started where is the equality in that?
Re: Upcoming Event Details! Welcome to "Kingdoms at War" many got bored with just epic battles and events. May i suggest candy crush saga I hear its great got rewards and no farming.