[UPDATED] Summer 2014 All Star Wars

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    I was really excited about asw, but now i am not sure i will participate. The 6 hrs sound wonderful, but rewards not. In the past asw did not give equipment, but first asw there was no equip to give, right? Im with many others that spending a possible 18 xtals for a badge just dont seem worth it. Thank you devs for providing us with asw, but no thanks.
  2. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Dropping 18 xtals for a badge . Let me see who wants to do it mmm
  3. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Complete waste of time
  4. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Sh makes that much rewards in an hour or a day lol
  5. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    With all due respect devs...I'm pretty close to as 'die hard' as they come when it comes to war, but you can't expect me to give up my entire weekend with my wife and kids-spend 8 hours per war on kaw (yes minimum 2 hrs prep)...for aqua? Really?

    If I'm debating whether to participate then I'm sure far more have already made up their minds not to participate.

    I never understood why you devs are so cheap with rewards.

    It's a ton of time just to participate properly, but to actually win this chaos will absolutely take amazing organization, strategy, coordination and most of all.....time.

    IMO fonzi is on the right track but his figures are far too low to entice the people u want to participate. Consider the amount of gold that will be spent on pots (both attack and defense). The cost of xstals, the cost of time and sacrifice.

    The concept of the war is awesome but I fear you're asking for failure with such a ridiculous reward offer. It's kinda insulting

    Also, one last thing....you keep using prior asw as precedent but last asw was turtle and turtle and turtle....no real tracking of KOS, no real strategy if we're all being honest. Just whack a mole and pin. And barely any coordination. Try to imagine being able to track 200 people effectively. Imagine the rolling cc. People trying to watch it all and war at the same time. That's some serious effort that needs to be rewarded.

    In summary, I respectfully request that you seriously reconsider your woefully inadequate proposed rewards and be generous. It's a big commitment and sacrifice for each player and we would expect to be rewarded more than generously.

    Thank you
  6. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Imagine you are winning by 60b at the end
    Opposite 200 people xtal :lol:
    You are 60b down now :lol:
  7. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Wasted time n real money. Better go shopping n go sleep.
  8. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Will you be extending everyones estoc edge or just asw people
  9. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Hatfield hit the nail on the head 
  10. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    what do u mean by • Out of all applicants, the strongest 1,600 will be selected
  11. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    1. Wow. Working my tail of the last few days to crack the top 10k (already the elite of the game) just to find out it's really only the top 1,600? Hhmmm. Well I'll still give it a shot but am not overly confident.

    2. Fonzy is on the right track with both of his suggestions... either (or both) a huge gold pot split between winners or exclusive banners for winning clan members would help them show 'they are the best'.

    3. Well said Hadf1eld.

  12. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    @spade. If 10k apply, only top 1600 (overall ranking) will be picked up.
  13. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Devs go ******* die
  14. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Support hat
  15. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    I don't qualify for this... But wow...
    No support to rewards. Least be generous devs for your top players
  16. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Devs u need to let it increase edge it's much more work in this war then standard ee war let us get bonuses just don't decrease them
  17. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    I would like to see the war format as traditional instead of an ee ko style. Make it so a player can stay in pin to win. It should be based on war ability and not being lucky enough to be in the clan that has the most players willing to burn 18 xstals to win it. All star war should stay within normal game mechanics as it always has
  18. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    After reading original post I will not be signing up.

    I'm not a huge estoc style war fan. I would have far more favored the old school system war style. Especially for a 6 hour war with 400 people.

    The original 4 hour clan vs. clan estoc wars were my favorite. But that length of time was a burden for me to always be on coming out of ko and watching trackers etc.

    Giving the admins kicking privileges? Good because you can kick inactive members. Bad because people hold grudges. Or what of you get a troll admin that just willy nilly starts kicking people? Or kicking someone he just doesn't like? Don't someone's build? Kick them! Don't like the way they spelled their name? Kick them! Had an OSW or 1v1 against someone on your war clan now? KICKED.

    ASW throws back to the days of old (I know only 4 years not that old) Kingdoms at War. And as such I think the ASW should throw back to the original style of system wars.
  19. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    hat hit it precfect, I was very happy when I looked in forums and saw an asw being that.i was here for the last one but a little to weak to do it. I cleared my secudle to pratake in this event but then to come and find out all i get is a badge, a badge that not anymore specail then the ones I already have. If you want people to take this event serious then dev you yourself take it serious and think about all the time these player are going to waste for nothing. Give us something to show off for our hard work.
  20. Re: Summer 2014 All Star Wars

    Was kinda excited about this even though no equipment but to have an admin kick just because he doesnt like or I offended him/her or didnt do as well as they want/expect which means I could potentially waste 6 xtals for a boot in the ass and nothing in the end :(