Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 The original posting of the first raffle was 5k feathers, then 10k feathers, so on and so forth. If there was a mistake and it was supposed to be 100k feathers, only a few people would get them. Not all from the same clan either. As for the seals to those who worked hard and spent money on this event, I think it's only fair that we get a share of the prize. It doesn't cost the devs anything to out in a couple seals into peoples accounts.
Devs, it was like this for all raffles. I think if you are going to screw your customer base, then you screw yourselves. Because those that know of this issue won't bother with buying ANYTHING from this game.
Still funny how theres now over 100 free seals to get used over in b2b united amongst themselves :roll: legit mistake? Or intentional
Hey guys and welcome to my "random" raffle I Will now push "Random" digits on my keyboard ata And those are also next weeks "random" Winners
There's no way it was a mistake to say you needed 100k feathers. From week 2 and on to week 6, devs stated: 2,000, 4.000, 6,000, 8,000 and final 10,000. B2B United got most of the winning of these raffles. And still will keep those seals unless already used. What a joke devs.
And people who have not many feathers win too, i only have 15000 feathers and i havent spent a penny on seals, so its pretty random
Ty devs for addressing this, congrats to winners. Ty to pandageorge aswell, who throughout this thread has spoken very admirably. Respect man. ️
why are people still whining? The raffle was redone its over. Congrats new and previous winners hope you all kept your stuff do to the mix up ️
You can redraw the rigged draws all you want, but it won't stop the butthurt train. I, for one, am feeling a serious displeasure of butthurt.
I applaud your quick response One issue does remain though Your initial mistake gave many of the top feather earners a 2.5K boost...this will be detrimental to the hard working chasing pack that were trying to reach the top (of which I am NOT one).
Can you confirm that the first 'random' draw 100 peeps still got seals and feathers? I guess it was distributed yesterday So two raffles this week, right?