Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Id be willing to bet that there was a misplaced 0. 100,000 feathers instead of 10,000. But really you all with 100k earned that and congrats.
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Somewhat bored and puzzled by the accusations that the raffle was not as random as it seemed, I began checking a few names... and this really had me puzzled. Here the list once again, but now with the actual clan name of the winners (a few people did change clans while I was double checking): nikunj B2B_UNITED B2B_lITIlElIAIlBlIAIlGlI_B2B B2B_UNITED waerior ULFBERHT M0HAMED B2B_UNITED ataraikiarto B2B_UNITED xHAVOCx ULFBERHT BruceLeeVoice LOTR D4l3kKni9h7 B2B_UNITED W-kiara-W B2B_UNITED Wildcat10 LOTR -_-MASS-_- ULFBERHT --CHINGA-- B2BHunting STPDPOOL B2B_UNITED UK--CHooCH-NUT-- Urban Killers Deutschland K R E U Z R I T T E R ScacFu B2BHunting -CARL- B2BHunting erus ZAFT Corporation lZl-lWllAllRlllRllIllOllRl-lZl B2B_UNITED Coffee B2B_UNITED llllIl____W0LVERlNE___IIIIllIl Urban Killers ruzty Zero Gravity -GypsySoul- B2B_UNITED TDsilencer B2B_UNITED Elcacique2k -Z- ULFBERHT-t ULFBERHTs Miss_SubAngeI B2B_UNITED ApicName B2B_UNITED lIlIPUlIlRRllIlIlTYIlIKITTYIlI ULFBERHT barage ULFBERHTs B2B-CaSaNoVa-B2B B2B_UNITED Sash0909 -RAVENOUS- -play-boy- Kreuzritter -iAlive- B2B_UNITED Blitz B2B_UNITED Mack_the_Knife ULFBERHTs l__________KHiZzMo__________l B2B_UNITED zeophid B2B_UNITED _1st-Tona-Coy_ B2B_UNITED B2B-Remus-B2B B2B_UNITED DarkPdsy B2B_UNITED Moongazer B2B_UNITED RedStar B2B_UNITED SirKingMachine ULFBERHT __-BLACK-H0UND-666-_______ -Z- Fulcon B2B_UNITED Courcol clanless Styles Urban Killers GeylangChicken B2B_UNITED B2B-USC_TROJANS-B2B B2B_UNITED rebore ULFBERHT Magic247 Kreuzritter Romulus_ B2B_UNITED XxX-Fat-Tail-Remedy-XxX B2B_UNITED AngryxXx B2B_UNITED FutureProofs clanless B2B-Minato-B2B B2B_UNITED lllll-l-DEVA-l-lllllllll ULFBERHT Metallicana B2B_UNITED MeIody B2B_UNITED Donno-the-First -S26TR- (ex B2B_UNITED) B2B_-_Anonymous_-_B2B B2B_UNITED kalkal rider.s of rohan IIIllII-JeboTeJa-lllIIlll_HGL- B2B_UNITED tofuboi B2B_UNITED SPlDERMAN B2B_UNITED Olaf B2B_UNITED -_-MeSmeRisiNg_EyEs-_- B2B_UNITED alexcluzive B2B_UNITED --The_Legend--KAIGARATE-- B2B_UNITED GMCWAR clanless (ex-B2B_UNITED) JiburK B2B_UNITED -SuperMillwall- ULFBERHT GREAT_BRITAIN_ ULFBERHTs revenge lllIIlSMACK-YOUR-C0WllIll B2B_UNITED -TERROR-BadBoy- ULFBERHT PHAM-l-AM B2B_UNITED -BadBoyBasti- ULFBERHTs revenge _crixus_ ULFBERHT wim_the_supernatural_duck ULFBERHT SO__Biyamiti__RA B2B_UNITED Os-llllll___wilktw___lllllll B2B_UNITED _-_-DaPhatCat-_-_ supertrix --Valkyrie-- B2B_UNITED WlN B2B_UNITED -username-is-invalid- ULFBERHT PandaGeorge B2B_UNITED Kav-At-War02 B2B_UNITED llll-superkillerr-llll supertrix MyNameIsVinnyB B2B_UNITED Chaddon B2B_UNITED ssj50driver LOTR Nemire supertrix __ReI__ B2B_UNITED Cella -S26TR- (ex B2B_UNITED) ___Katie___ supertrix (ex B2B_UNITED) xX_BleedYourself_Xx ULFBERHT BabyScorp B2B_UNITED It_Burns_When_I_PVP ULFBERHT Silph B2B_UNITED Funny random generator... (at the time I checked, 54 out of 75 members of B2B_UNITED were among the winners) At the time of the raffles, around 15k players had the required 10k feather. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: PS: Sorry for the missing tabulations on the list, but not really into investing any more time into cosmetics of that post
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Mussy thats probably it. As far as i can see. Those in the raffle have over 100k. Anyway. This will probably end up being addressed . Lets all hope for a do over. This could give all a chance. Im starting to think that this list will most likely be the top 100 winners
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 seems like some people get rewards all the weeks, not know if we talking about luck or (i know a dev who can put me on the list-awesome )congrats pandaGeorge AGAIN!
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Thank you for that post mate. Much respect, this is clearly a red flag lol.
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Clearly. An error was made. Just wait for them to address it. Stay calm ppl
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Devs, I would normally post a RIOT or RIOT here, but I personally feel this is unfair. It seems like the majority of the list have 100000 feathers and above. Since they met the highest tier reward, which requires them to have only 90000 feathers, I believe that the smaller players should get the SODs instead to help them grow/get the rewards.
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 So how much did they pay u devs to win the raffle now ... No way could a random system pickout them lb people
Raffle Right fix!!! Make it random!! Should do a re-draw guess we don't spend enough to be in the draw??? Like to see devs explain this one
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 I would suspect a cutoff at 100k instead of 10k feathers too... But who hasn´t accidentally bought a 100b ally instead of a 10b one yet? Ah those bloody zeroes, usually they are worth nothing, but sometimes not!
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Shouldn't their be a response by now? Doesn't take that long to determine/look if t was suppose to be either 10k or 100k feathers
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Here's a solution, give everyone who didn't win any raffle prizes, 2 seals of the damned, and the winners will already have those. Simple, and it can be accomplished very easily. I've been way ahead of the "required" feathers and haven't won a single raffle. This is ********, so as I suggested give everyone who didn't win, gets 2 seals. As it shows, most winners are from the same clan. We have all spent money on this or at least most of us have. Devs, what the **** is going on? How is this random when multiple people from same clan get the winnings? It's not fair to the other players who pay and get nothing. Sure, we get equipment and a few aqua, and inferno, but whoopty freaking do.
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Calm down. Many of us already gave feedback. Kaw community already said they looking into it A few pages back Rather than going all " kill the ogres! Light your pitchforks" how about we tone down and wait. Its a shame really when mistakes happen. But they do. Mussys observation makes clear sense. Ulfbherts and united , both of us are the most to get lb feathers. Im guessing that a decimal was put wrong somewhere. And it was not 10k. All of us on this list have over 100k. So clearly a mistake was done So really stop the hating. Wait for them to address the issue. No good will come out of hate
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 Given totaly up with devs not holding my breath hoping for anything from him
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6 I would suggest a do over. But excluding week6 winners. Also! We keep the seals. This wasnt our mistake as playerd
Our sincere apologies, There was an issue with the script used to randomly select our original 100 winners earlier today and we thank you all for bringing the issue to our attention. We've fixed the issue and selected a new 100 lucky winners. The following players will receive 2 x Seals of the Damned, and 2,500 Quetzal Feathers: HeavenlySouls AE-lIlIYamJamIlI_AE GangreneGonad lalalalalalalollololo KingKaroshi KEELAN1 Chaotic-Nitemare Amazing-Lil-Minion Seekeytois JohnTheGuild Liberate_Tutemae_Exinferis Manetheren Smiling_Rogue Nor_Redneck_Cal ____________iLav____________ -dumb-lamb- MikeNewland Rawrsaursrex Kain_Highwind Rob19 djukadin SR-Hero JOSIAH k11k Kelmin _RCA_Ashlore _Syntax_Error_ smack-man TR-D4RKNESS-TR o0O__Tim_The__Enchanter__-- temptalone chilliblood Wolfie69 AOTP-dvdkrzb-AOTP Jason_Lee Princess-Athena_ME DHW21 ROBROX LHL_xLEGENDARYxMlLExHlGHx_LHL UltraSleepyPig tojk Raysha81 LOTR_ATLAS_LOTR l-__-lApOkOliPtIc_MiLkl-__-l -Hyperion- X_-Deadpool-_X HendricMatthew __Superman__ nevaehleigh HotBoyDundee IlIlTlIlIlIlIlIlKIlIlIl-lIlIl _o00OOlllHuLklllOO00o_ My6uLyQa_Xd libra DONNY-THE-BEAST KevinFong Lara-Crofp The_Stalker Gnaro DeMoNoFwOlFpAcK KUSH Shaun xFx_Mordecai_xFx So_E-YoSup-Q_uL MightyRED KITT42 DraconiusThall -Aerya- x_Enterprise_x IlI_IlAmbyIl_IIl Pete-is-Coming kinggraff _mischief-N-mayhem_ Spyro-the-purple-Dragon newbooty KoS_Trouble xXx__RA__NECROMANCER__RA__xXx ivar_ __IIIPeRVYIII_xXx_IIISaGeIII__ actam BW___DESRATRUCKER___BW mercilessmeng llll____S____A____N____llll-Se lilxnutty187_-_-_-_-_-_ xXBAM-PrincessBella-BAMXx moscowdog ronvertigo Bad_Ass_Diva angel11oflldeath MjoInir Ashishsahani94 Princess_Hebe Hulk99 _CANADIAN_ -Rainbow-Dash- WKK-Pokadots-WKK -Harvester- OC-_T-Rav_-OC leonadis lI_-T-_-R-_-A-_-D-_-E-_-R-_ll