[UPDATED] Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Do the devs expect the majority to recommend this game after showing so much biased?
  2. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    I'm not a hater but those "raffle results" are pathetic. Whatever.
  3. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    I agree with sublet to me their is no such thing as a feed back button how people have actually got a feed back answered? I assume 80% of those are just put aside/deleted.
  4. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Winners with seals are just like

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  5. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;}

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  6. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    ๎‘it doesn't work
  7. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    How many people*
  8. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Please devs, I could really use the next raffle. Please let me win
  9. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Wow, this so-called "raffle" isn't random at all. Give seals to the people that could actually appreciate their value.
  10. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Random bwahahaha nice joke!
  11. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Thats sad and not fair i worked hard but.............. :?
  12. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    All at b2b united lol
  13. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Are they accepting? I want to meet some people there.
  14. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Silph? Really?
  15. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Lmao plus every other lbet
  16. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Out of everyone who had 10,000 or more feathers as of 12PM PDT today a lucky 100 players were randomly selected to receive 2 x Seal of the Damned and 2500 x Quetzal Feathers...

    There is an approximate probability of 0.005 that all these folks would be from the same clan, in other words you have a better chance of upgrading your Icetail to level 12 than having this outcome occur at random.

    C'est la vie.
  17. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6


    Either it is not random, or the entry requirement for your raffle is a minimum $ spend on xtals and seals.
    I don't mind the rewards going to paying customers, but I resent being lied to.
  18. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

  19. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    Wth?! You left off RedStar and Ayiraa. They been working hard as well.๎’
  20. Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 6

    No redstars on the list ๎ˆฎ half your worries are put to rest