im all for a bit of fun devs but its not nice to keep missing my name off the list how about take some ov the names that's won it a couple times and add new names on there just a idea :roll:
@I'mRich You've obviously got a flawed understanding of random systems. Do you honestly think everyone has got to win once before someone wins twice? A roulette table doesn't hit every number once then starts another cycle, a coin doesn't have to wait for a tails to follow each time a heads comes up. It's a random draw; we've obviously both not won yet - Good Luck.
I hate this script now. Nvr saw anyone getting seal thou. Hope its true anyway. Thanks to devs if so.
Ive been collecting 24hours per day i deserve to win nxt raffle please it may just be enough for me to get the shiney top#100 banner you can keep the seals ;P
Come on devs. Those with >= 90k should not be in the raffle. I know it is a bit late but change ur selection algorithm.
One little question to ATA, devs, why is it that there isnt anyone who has just started playing or any inactive accounts that have won this raffle?
Because those have literally 0 feathers bud. Even the free feathers from devs could only be obtained by logging in.
I was in a mini osw when u guys handed out skulls, and mine was used not knowing it was givin. Can u plz re-release one to me? As u can see i havent used one in an eb. Thnx and much appreciated if i could get one back, and extend use of it past may 7th would be awesome as well.