[UPDATED] Cycle of Flame - Zelgarad The Accursed

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 2, 2015.

  2. Developers you guys are taking a rare thing in business and throwing it away eg consumer loyalty. The constant ignorance towards the KAW community that you guys are portraying is at best arrogant and at worst self destructive.
    You give us the opportunity to voice concerns and issues then ignore them to your and OUR games detriment. You have a golden gift in the fact that your consumer base is in constant contact with you giving you the amazing opportunity to move your business in a direction that can only benefit both, but you do not take that opportunity with both hands and run with it, you make decisions that are incomprehensible to any with one drop of business sense. Your business model or attitude seems to be that if you never quite let people make it then they will just keep striving for an unreachable goal. This is so removed from the reality of business it causes me to wonder if you guys are just 18 yr old kids playing at manipulation on a global level. There is no reason for this game to die or disappear, yet it may due to your ineptitude. I hope that your inability to remove your egos from the every day running of this game comes soon so we can all be a part of the success of KAW. I'm hoping that this post reaches the correct ears/eyes and that someone in your office has the courage to stand up and move KAW in a direction beneficial to all. Happy Kawing to all. ( thought I would post this here to in the hope that devs might see it, false hope?? Maybe)
  3. Still only max spenders will upgrade it.
  4. What if you only get votive ash but no eq .. ?
  5. I'm in the same boat lol
  6. I got the ring, i got the ashes, i got the water just no fire!!!
  7. I have the ring and no ash, wanna trade?
  8. You're in a clan whos smallest member is 40mill cs.

    If they made a premium eb that last 30+ minutes for clans your size the gold would be utterly absurd.

    Everyone would be build complete in no time.
  9. Please don't make this eb like hte starting out as a promo then making it permanent we're too tired of money players being massive and not even having any equip at all bring back old kaw where it took time to grow
  10. If they made a premium eb that last 30+ minutes for clans your size the gold would be utterly absurd.

    Everyone would be build complete in no time.[/quote]

    Can't you see what I'm saying there,a little sarcasm intended,as far as my clan we have run it using the bribes ATA has been giving out and that's about it I'd say most aren't impressed by another p2p eb which will give out equal in any future promos.I expect it will become a perm eb as it seems to be embraced by many.
  11. Got the ring and it requires 15 ash for lvl 1
  12. The ring sucks - You'll need to spend a ridiculous amount of nobs to fully enchant it (nobs for eb, to get ash, inferno, aqua), approx $100 bucks for a 12.5mcs overall stats ring, just not worth the trouble
  13. Ash drops are ridiculously low compared to what it takes to enchant the ring. Better extend the date if anyone has a decent chance to lvl up the ring to 10
  14. It would be better if we didn't need the ash really...I mean 15 ash for lvl 1 I hate to think of how much ash for 10
  15. Jesus Christ
  16. For lvl 4 you need 10 aqua 10 inferno 100 ash...just so you have an idea of how fast the ash needed rises
  18. only a 100??
  19. For u people that seem not to know lv9 is 750. Lv10 is assumed to b 1000 ash. Dont forget it can fail. Im waiting for event to end b4 i start enchanting. I think devs will realize how bs fails are in a limited time eb
  20. You don't think they realized this 5 years into running a game? They just don't care anymore as long as it makes a little pocket change. I'm not normally one to hop on the "damn greedy devs" train, because I understand this is their business and how they eat, but this one's a bit ridiculous.