[Updated] Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Vixen u can't be serious bro .so i take a chance everytime i cast woc in indi war .no ty thats just a dumb idea .i wanna war with my fam people i trust not with some.ebs builds with no xtals .i can't win a war alone like i said R.I.P ee wars
  2. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    P.s Not A Sh lol but we sll know Mods will always support devs so there is no point guys .let them kill ee .it's not a sh issue anymore i would rather war vs LB/Sh than these dumb indi wars.I WANNA WAR WITH NY CLANNIES LIKE IT'S MENT TO BE
  3. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    hahaha too funny. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. After hearing your feedback about wanting some regular round wars mixed in with the existing individual wars we've gone ahead and changed this weekend to make use of regular round wars. Please see the updated schedule in the main post.
  5. Why don't people realize that the individual wars are 50% 50% fair. Everyone has the same chance of winning and losing.

    People don't "want to war with fam", they want to stack roster and make their chance of winning higher. Individual wars helped solve the SH problem. Yet players still want to revive it.

    Individual Wars forever❗
  6. Don't give in that easy! Ha but at least you're listening to the community :)
  7. coz there are ppl who'd rather lose to better clans, better strategy and better roster than get stuck with a bunch of idiots and lose because of inactives, free riders, moling alts, etc. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Devs make it so no match in clan wars does not extend EE. Just watch this weekend will be full of clan wars with people deliberately trying to get no match to extend their gold EE. No doubt we see plenty of 15 sh, 4/11 lb/sh, and at least 1 war where 15 of the top 30 ally lb all gather together.
  9. This sentiment is stupid. Not all clans stack, nor do all individual wars/warriors suck. But you do not have the "same chance of winning and losing". Quite the opposite actually. In an individual war, one person can radically alter a match -- see the other threads for details (inactives, alts on both sides, PS who stupidly don't drop their attack build, people who spam CC with inane comments, etc.). If that happens in your clan, that is just poor planning on the part of your clan and you pay the consequences. However, in an individual war, that curse is visited upon you randomly, through no fault of your own. Why should everyone else who wars in an individual clan be put at the mercy of a troll/turncoat who ruins it for everyone else? That is just stupid.

    So, lets call the masses who scream for individuals what they are -- people who refuse to put in the time and effort to learn how to war, refuse to build properly ("oh no, towers will cost me precious EB plunder"), and refuse to develop a cohesive clan strategy. In other words, lazy, entitled people who are not willing to develop as a player but rather want wars handed to them on a SILVER platter.

    And if you didn't catch the sarcasm in the above paragraph, I weep for your soul.


  10. Like someone said earlier..I would rather loose to a clan that had a better strategy then loose because some noobs didn't xtal/mith up/bank...

    Let's just keep doing both wars like were doing and let people choose. If someone gets tired of letting clans stack and destroy them they will do Individual wars.
  11. Thanks for listening, devs. Appreciate it!
  12. Well said, Kage. 
  13. @ Kage, That last paragraph was the most ignorant & asinine thing I've read or seen all day. I've busted my ass to grow as much as possible to be able to fit into the stupid mold that ee clans had become just to never be able to war so f you for calling everyone lazy because they like the individual wars. I understand that I have a 50/50 shot of being stuck with noobs and losing but that's still better odds than I had just sitting in an EE clan waiting for them to finish the war because "mids" aren't chosen.
  14. Here! would anyone else like some cheese with there wine? badddom cha!
  15. Theres room for both wars - but when the crying starts again because of no matches or bad match ups ...

    Ill just sit quietly chuckling because ya'll too impatient to wait for a fix lol

    And all those crying you want to war with your clannies - how many of you can truthfully say you are still warring with the same clan as you were in season 1 ?

    I may merc and i may war with friends sometimes - but im still here at Kotfe and i still war with them, because our loyalty runs deeper than level 5 edge 
  16. If you could move the last one back an hour I would be sooooooo happy but as if now this is the face you make me wear  do you see that? How does that make you feel? I hope like poo. Jerks.
  17. Vix, i got nothing against you personally, but your opinion on this matter saddens me. As someone who appears to have worked for their build, you would think you would be on our side. Ues indi wars have removed the lb/sh stack issue, but it has introduced a whole host of other issues with it. I was one of the supporters of the indi wars as a way around the stack and to help mids. But as an enhancememt, not a replacement. I have been on both big only and stacked rosters, and have won and lost with both based upon who my fellow warriors were compared to the enemy. I've had hard wars, and easy wars. Have played highly strategically and just ffa plunderfest, but all of them were better with a clan. Within your clan you can co.trol so much more of thw outcome and at least be proud if you lose and fought well. With indi wars you buat your ass and a handful of under prepared noobs screw it up. No thanks
  18. I'm 100% with Vix on his last post.

    You cry with a no match? Do Indy wars
    You cry when you match stacked roster? Do Indy wars
    Indy wars solve nearly everything there is to solve. There aren't any no matches. There aren't any unfair matches. Yes, there are inactives and punks that leak the whole time, but who hasn't met a couple of those during regular wars? Exactly. Stop complaining
  19. @ Bolt,

    But in a clan war if you have inactives or leaks, you can control whether you have them again. In independent wars you have no control over that and it is the luck of the draw. That is the primary reason people who are in clans oppose the independent wars.

    That said, I don't oppose having independent wars, I suggest you simply run both at the same time. If clans get a team together and want to cast for war (with the attendant risks of facing stacked clans, etc) then cast as a team and let the system match the clans for war. If your clan can't, or doesn't care to, put together a team, then cast for individual wars and war that way (with the attendant risks of inactives or leaks). Everyone gets a chance to war and everyone knows (or should know) of the risks of the type of war you choose to do.

    See my other thread "Why not both" for further details.


  20. I think the big thing people are missing is sign ups are going down and down and theres so few match ups in normal wars

    So do you cater for the 100 people that get to war , or do you cater for the 500 people that get to war ?

    EE needs to be fixed, Devs said they working on it - stacking wether SH or LB put people off normal EE , indies have created an interest in EE again

    And you know what after most EE wars, people ask how they can improve their builds, what ADT/SDT they should have

    I cant believe people cried over not even two weeks of indies lol we have had months of nm and bad match-ups it was a nice relief lol