[Updated] Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    The only reason hansels suck how is because of people abusing the easy hybrid mechs that can be gained with some cheap SOS in lowlands.

    Personally, this needs to be removed... Or the spy buildings required should affect your hybrid mechs differently. Maybe a SOS only contributes less to your hybrid building percentage where T5 and T6 contribute more. That means you sacrifice more Attak/def to become a hybrid. Which is how it should be.
  2. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I think guys who EE a lot, have got a great point actually. Why change everything to indi, when there r issues with that also. Like I said before, they have had great feedback to help with stacking in clan wars
  3. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Val that is very true - I've been saying hybrid mechs need to kick in at 33% instead of 25% spy buildings for the exact same reasons but your solution would work too. Plus I stil think the spy pot imbalance for scouts should be fixed just for EE but that is another issue
  4. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    There u go devs, another great point.... U guys should have a book full by now, so Pleez use it!!!
  5. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Oh yes, let's whine about those pesky hybrid tanks. God forbid att builds have any way to avoid picking up the soap for the hansels…whats next val? Towers an exploit? mith equip? Bfa? is there ever a point where we will be satisfied in knowing that people might actually have an advantage?
  6. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    @stationhighway page 1

    Great idea btw, but I think that could just have people inactive in wars and just get rancor, since it is 50/50. So stricter rules may have to apply. Like per win you must maintain a certain amount of actions, plunder, ko's, skos. Etc.
  7. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    What time do these take place UTC?
  8. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Devs have u thought about fixing the ko/sko percentages yet? In 4 hour wars the percentages were fine as u build up huge plunder it was an actual penalty to be koed or sko ...

    But u keep making wars shorter and never adjusted to accurately reflect the way the mechanic was intended to effect wars

    It should have been doubled in 2 hours and doubled again in 1 hour wars

    Can u atleast look into an increase to the mechanic it will help make ur hansels/spy builds much more desirable in these shortened wars
  9. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Wow i just had a weird war, we had 5 inactives compared to thier 1 inactive and we won, never seen anything like that happen ebfore
  10. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I really like the individual wars for their fair match ups!
    But it isn't half as much fun as a war with the home clan!!
    This is the point where I lose my fun at warring cause it came to a point where it is only luck if you win or lose. You have a 50% chance to get the warriors and not the noobs...
  11. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Lol it burns.
    I was one of the first if not the first to exploit in the EE beta, and through s1 and 2. I'm not complaining. If I want to win, ill do the same again.
  12. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Seems to me people don't want to embrace the change that could effectively change EE for the greater good of this kawmunity. Yes Indi has its pros and cons just like Clan wars. But the way im seeing this is im going to be hopefully leaving this current SH build and become an atk build once again. im part of the exploit system and wanting to change it!!! there is people in this thread that are in clans that use the LB/Large atk build with SH that do not want to give up your easy wins for easy mith and rancor lvls. Ewars use to have strategy but now its just become roster stacking with no strat. Devs have heard the mids voices and have given them a chance again to war and have fun!!! For those of you who are new and don't really know yet... Mid builds have been eliminated by war clans because "THEY LEAK PLUNDER". so by devs doing Indi wars clans have no chance at rejecting people for there build. Yes people should start putting towers up to help their build.. but in the end kudos to the devs for hearing the mids feedback!!!! :cool:
  13. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Please do more clan wars; I'm not a fan of individual wars. I enjoy warring with my friends at PA where I know I will have fun with people I know, rather than potentially arguing with random people about strategy, who's wc, etc.
  14. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Not Tom you just proved the only ones crying about this are SH 
  15. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Right vixen, i must be an sh too. And all the other tanks that want to war in there clans are sh too…idiot
  16. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I'm all for fixing the matchups, fixing the broken plunder system, fixing the ludicrous advantage to small accounts, and i'm even for these noob indi wars…but not as the only option. Those of us, you included vix, that have worked to build for war and gotten good clans of people together, shouldn't have our ee or rancor or mith hinging on the luck of the draw for the rest of our inactive, crap build, no experience rosters. You wanna have indi wars as an option for increasing participation amd allowing more people to war? freakin awesome let's do it. You wanna erradicate clan wars and replace it with said noob wars? no thanks!
  17. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Vix I'm crying about this and I'm not a sh
  18. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I'm sure lots if people have brought this up but their should be a way to silence people spamming cc during war. Especially when you can't pick who you war with
  19. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Theres nothing more than i would love better than to war with my clan , with my family ...

    But until there is a fix to exploits - indie wars are are perfect

    Unless you all loved all the no matches and meeting lb/Sh clans, SH/PS clans, All SH clans because that is all the forums have been full of moans about since end if s2

    Or a couple of weeks off and you have all forgotten just how bad the wars have got

    The deva couldnt even run clearly marked test wars and get decent feedback only moans about how bad the test wars in forums lol they cant win hence closed Beta testing
  20. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    R.I.P EE Wars .i can't even war with my clannies anymore .i do indi wars all i get is inactives ,people with no xtals no mith .it's all about luck forget workin hard.for builds .devs messed everything up