Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Thanks for great roster devs, seriously cr 1 as a ps and the ass hatdoesnt even war all war? people like him are reason these indi wars suck to all the real warriors. Waste of my time and money.
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Tagging wc/tracker only makes them targeted easier n a disadvantage to them.
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Ok forum peeps and Warmongers So my thoughts on how to implement consequences on Inactive accts during Estoc Wars. This is mainly directed to the Indi Wars: 1st inactivity = 1 WAR BAN :roll: 2nd Inactivity = 2 WAR BAN :roll: 3rd Inactivity = 3 WAR BAN :roll: 4+ Inactivity = 3 WAR BAN :roll: How could this be done? Simple. During S3 when I clan signed up for war there was a chance for NMF due to different reasons. Almost every time though there was an odd clan out so there signup was discarded. So for these Indi Wars, once the signups have closed and the Devs begin their placing and matching they can discard any accts the war inactive their previous war. Note this is all just a thought to help these Indi wars seem more appealing. We all know the inactivity rate is higher in Indi Wars then Clan Wars. We can fix this by giving the inactive accts a more sever punishment. Everyone loves to win but the chances are 50/50 with the Devs making rosters nearly equal. It is much harder to win with an inactive now. I am open to feedback via this thread, wall or pm. Happy Kawing all -ObLiViOn-
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Kaw_community could you eexplain lag in these wars I go to hit a minute before my up I can't hit. Yet I get hit by people before my up comes up and some of my actions don't show on roster along with plunder I squires. Thanks for answering in advance
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Cloud do a lot of people roll their eyes a lot at you when you're talking to them in real life?
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Loving the indi wars devs. Much support for continuing them. I hope we see these in season 4 so everyone has a chance to get their Rancor except just the chosen & the lazy (gh,sh)
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Individual wars are fun to me because they are the wars I could join. They have their downsides like 50/50 chance of being rostered in a less capable clan but at least we mids have the chance to be rostered. However, it would be nice if we could have two or three sets of war 'systems' to choose from like individual, usual 11 and 25 kingdoms per clan wars so everyone is happy
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) What the hell was the point in building up our war clan if we dont get to war as a clan? What a complete waste of time and effort. Thanks
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) There r lots of ways devs could fix stacking, it's beyond me why they don't. They have had great ideas from many peeps in forums over the years, 'yes years'... But still can't solve it, hmmmm
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Indie wars are great for people like me, who used to war as a mid, and was wanted and needed by clans, until sh became the most popular build for wars... War clans won't even look at me now for war, not big enough or not small enough...doesn't matter that I know how to sko and follow wc directions I think I proved that I know how to war, during my stay with - Blue Wolves - ..(not saying I'm a brilliant warrior), but that doesn't matter to war clans The only way I can war now is in indie wars I support indie wars but I do agree with the ideas that people have put forward to both wars, clan and indie, running at the same time Btw...devs please do something about war times for Aussies ...we do exist you know and we really do like to war
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) Devs, why cant u make sh vs sh wars and lb/bigs/mids vs lb/bigs/mids? That way ,war clans sh's can move to subs and war together still. And all bigs can too. Everyones happy.
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) You guys have no patience lol People were offered a chance to sign up for beta testing wars Once they have fixed issues hopefully the stacking will be stopped In the mean time , no no matches, no stacking, and all get a 50/50 chance of winning War becomes about strategy and teamwork once again Some of you have been having it far too easy, you forgotten how to actually war lol
Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29) The big problem i have with these wars is that there is very little stragety that can fix inactives or crappy built dev rosters. Really who wants a hansel who was too stuck up to drop their 6b att building to go ps or even a ps as their cr 1 when otherside get 5 att builds in top 5cr. Inactives are a whole new issue in itsef. When i think stragety i think of a team of seasoned warriors fighting along side eachother over time to get good working together. Not a random group where a few listen and rest do their own thing. Xtals need to be used when called, not all willy nilly or heaven forbid your just too damn cheap to xtal. Had that happen yesterday, cr1 was a ps and didnt xtal only had 11 actions how can i win a war like that?