[Updated] Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    No support for all individual wars. Mix it up, clan unity for system warrers will die off even more.
  2. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Yes I am serious. I find it hard to support the current matching system when you have to have a certain ratio of specific builds in order to get a match. Until the devs can fix ee exploiting via sh and ps I think ind wars are the way to go.

    I find it funny that the most vocal opponents seem to be the most selfish, arrogant and presumptuous kingdoms that have gotten "so good" at war because they have been gaming the system for so long.

    If the devs can't fix clan war by removing sh/ps exploiting then this is the best alternative for now. We can only hope that the announced beta testing will yield good results.

    The only major downside to ind war is the fact that inactives or unprepared builds (i mean no xstal/mith not "eb or non war build") are a major detriment. Others have suggested many solutions which the devs need to consider. A lack of integrity on the part of the inactive kingdoms should not be rewarded but rather punished.

    Devs have a good thing going with ind war right now but as more and more lazy or disrespectful kingdoms start to catch on that they can mooch off the hard work of others by signing up with no intention of doing war then you will see ee wars going down the tubes again.

    Also devs if you start up clan wars please make sure to NOT extend EE in case of no match. There are too many who will exploit the lack of interest in current clan war system to simply extend their gold EE.
  3. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    While I think individual wars are fun, I recall one of the reasons for wars was to create clan unity - individual wars don't promote it. I would like to see a mix of both types to give everyone a chance to war. Hopefully s4 won't be all individual.
  4. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    No support for all individuals 

    How about you turn on WoC so we can cast for war 1?
  5. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I support individuals wars. At least 50% of war should be this format. For one it gets people warring and doesnt exclude a majority of players. The more people that fall in love with war the better. In the current system very few people can or learn to war. For the people complaining you caused this mess with ur stacked rosters. All wars should be a 50% chance at winning only reason it isnt is bc u stacked roster in your favor.
  6. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I still think we can have the "best of both worlds" (and NO, I am NOT a fan of Hannah Montana -- although my daughters were and that is a personal shame I must live with).

    Simply run both types of wars for any given war time. If a clan has a roster that it wants to war, have the members cast WoC and stay in clan. The devs can match up clans who opt for war based on whatever algorithm is in play at the time (although for the current matchup system I DO think the SH payout imbalance needs to be addressed).

    At the same time, anyone who casts WoC and is NOT in a clan is matched for an individual war.

    Even better, if a clan war gets a no match, give the players who no matched 5 minutes to leave their clan before matching the individual wars--then you can still war in an individual war if you need your war fix.

    Just a thought.


  7. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Individual wars are lame. 4 inactive in the only one I did, 3 of them being on my side of course. I'll never do one again. Only did it to renew my ee. Hopefully you get rid of these indi wars.
  8. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Support!!! Individual wars r fun and i enjoy warring with random people. It gives all builds a chance to enjoy wars instead of crap stacked sh rosters.
  9. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Kage, that's a brilliant idea.
  10. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Support kage's idea.
  11. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    @ kaw_community.. if these individual wars are to continue is there a way the devs can implement consequences for inactive members during an Estoc, chaos, or season war... many people work hard to war and hate wasting their real money because someone or some people decided for whatever reason they werent gonna war.. if your reason for inactivity is justified with proof then kudos to you.but the noobs who don't show up for war because of their lame excuses should have heavier consequences .. just a thought happy kawing all. :)
  12. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    What times that for central time ?
  13. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I personally don't mind a few individual wars per week, but doing them all week sucks! I also understand the Devs trying to even out the playing field with rosters n matches, but clans have trusted members they prefer to war with ...hence being members of a clan together. I enjoy doing an individual war per week, but prefer the majority of the time being with my clan of actives ...not to mention builds that are actually war ready! The only thing that is more annoying than inactivity is the brilliant person who feels it's a good idea to sign up for war with no adt/sdt
  14. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Agreed with sugar momma
  15. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I do give the devs credit for giving us mids a chance again with these individual wars. If these individual wars were not done miss most likely will have not seen estoc wars at all. Devs don't make all season 4 individual wars give it a mix up. :) plz devs plz come up with ideas on how to make a consequence system for inactivity. It's not hard to show up for 1hr and 30mins (30mins for war briefing and 1hr of war time). People may not think that their inactivity costs that much in a war. In 75% or more depending on your build it's very costly and very hard to fight 1man down on a balanced roster in the indi wars. Thanks again all
  16. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I remember when EE war was first introduced! Virtually no one had towers and all were noob, had ample of inactives.... However, as time went on, we learned to build towers, we learned to be active and learned what ee war was all about. Those inactives, noobs, not war ready builds will learn..... give them a time.... Remember u use to be one
  17. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Personally I think until the exploits are fixed in normal, it should only be individual wars until then

    All you SH crying - you knew the day would come where you wont be needed anymore - so start growing your accounts

    Also sign ups are much much higher in individual wars than in normal EE , anyone would be a fool to ignore the majority

    And the majority like the individual wars 
  18. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    ^ from what ive been reading on here its 50/50. Half like the indy wars, half like warring with friends in clan wars, so the majority do not like indy wars, there is almost an equal split.
  19. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Get rid of fixed ko already. Advantage rules!
  20. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    ok a few points id like to bring up with indi wars...

    1.) no roster stacking aka 80% sh and a hand full of huge monsterious accounts making it unfair for those who are not lb. (nobody can deny this fact)

    2.) only reason there is a 50/50 or so of those who don't like indi wars is extremely simple... refer to number 1. those 80% sh rosters are alot of the community thats complaining is it not... so therefore in simple terms this too is asscue because majority that have been benifiting from the normal chaos wars have been sh by a long shot period... (nobody can deny this fact)

    3.) There is no way someone can simply fix the ee to there favor. aka exploit something in there favor to have an auto win.... i may refer to many of the top exploiters of this process that have not suffered many losses will now lose due to not being able to exploit the system... (those who exploit the system may say well we are not exploiting its what they (the devs) have put in front of us so we are taking advantage of that.) well guess what thats an exploit. (it is not working as intended and the DEVS have said this.)

    4.) the only unfavorable thing about this is very simple to me. you cant war with the friends u wish to war with. in my opinionion and probably the vast majority of those who have been boycotting ee will aggree with me... its a small price to pay.

    i must say i have boycotted the last season in a half due to the exploit and truly having no position in a top tier ee due to the exploit being out of control. its nice to know that atleast i can ee with a build i like and know... and of those who say i have a crappy ee build... bite me. and HI VIXEY