[Updated] Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Individual wars are stupid for people who base this game on ee plz fix and make both wars
  2. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    This marks end of KAW
    R.I.P EE wars mayyyydevs have mercy on ur soul :evil:
    why do i have to war with a guy full of towers and no even buildings who has only known how to earn plunder out of eb?? why do i have to war with guys who doesnt know what ko or sko is??
  3. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Devs, Add in a few normal clan wars in between. These are way too many indi wars, there's no point in xtaling in these wars since your teammates wont listen, or wont even try to perform good at these wars. I think its better if most of us vets skip these indi wars and wait till devs bring back clan wars, eb fairies can enjoy fighting against other eb fairies without a tracker or WC. Only use to do these indi wars is to renew your ee at max. Which is 1 war every 2 weeks.
    Indi wars are good, but when you loose your ee just cause your teammate wont listen it sucks.
    Rather make it such that you don't loose EE for a loosing indi war if you're in top 5 or top 10 in plunder? That way people will atleast try to plunder and win the war, or else there is basically no point to gamble your time and money for a 50/50 chance to win.
  4. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    As I read trough all the comments I see some people like the individual wars and some don't. Me personally I like them. I have a lot of $ and time into my account and do not mind warring with the so called noobs. I feel the individual wars are the best way to go with ee. Although you might get stuck with accounts that are eb build does this mean they don't have the ability to war? I think not. But inactive players does seem to be a problem. A suggestion maybe if a player is inactive in ee there is a mith that can be created that hinders that certain account to be band for a week from ee?.?.?
  5. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Indi wars = 
  6. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I hope you guys realize that KaW_Admin never reads the thread after the first few pages.
  7. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I find it ironic.... I see some of the same people on this thread who moaned and complained about:

    GH abuse of war System then
    SH abuse of war system
    LB stacking
    Roster stacking
    Build and ally drop strategies
    And no matter what the devs did they complained.

    I have watched and the individual war system has created an even playing field, a fair system that keeps the wars close and prevents the abuses that you all have been screaming about. The downfall is that you dont war with the same people or in the same clan. So to all the complainers who cry at everything the devs do, i have to say shut it as you actually got what you have been complaining about. Get over it and accept the fact that the system now cannot be cheated and it makes for a more creative strategy as well as more teamwork needed to win.

    So suck it up quit your whining and learn to play fair without cheating the system. And for the peace of all cut the whining and complaining out as it makes you look childish.
  8. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Support the ban system. Love the idea. Want to ask devs if they could perm ban some inactives from wars if they were to be inactive for more than like 3 times or so. These maybe alts whose main is on the other side, thereby giving the other side the advantage of winning war.

    Also cant we have both individual war as well as regular war together? Those clans that want regular war can sign up after getting their roster completed, while others like mids who dont get clans to war in could cast and leave so that they could participate in individual wars. I hope thos idea has no cons. If anybody think its not good, feel free to comment on it.
  9. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Do not take clan wars away it would take the fun out of it indi wars are k but it's not ur clan or clan friends you war wit we put time an effort to war as a clan win or lose
  10. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Lol at all the sh and other EE exploiters complaining about all individual wars. I support ind wars. I would support clan wars IF devs make it so that either EE doesn't get extended in case of no match. This will prevent abuse of the system.

    Also something does need to be done regarding inactives. There are lots of suggestions here and elsewhere so I don't think that needs to be rehashed. Devs, the inactives speak to the lack of integrity of these players and as such they really don't deserve to have any rewards.
  11. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I am all confused. I am in the central time on so what are the times for me?
  12. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    First of all,I don't know whethero take the ITllllllll dude seriously or not,since he is a sh. Second of all, awhile back devs said they would fix the system shortly.I don't remember when they said it, but it was a long time ago. Indy wars are NOT fixing the system! So devs, when will you fix the system? Been a few months now!
  13. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Look at the EDT time and your time will be one hour before that.
  14. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Cobra the times for you will be 8am, 2pm, and 8 pm
  15. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Great Job Kaw !!! Love the individual Wars Keep up the Good Work
  16. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Mad support for all individual wars!

    It's so great seeing the exploit clans in here whining about warring with their "friends" and clannies. LordSavan has a point, wc is full of ads looking for sh to war with you, when you have 50 other builds in your clan you won't let war.

    Stop whining and admit that you can't war without your exploit system or adjust and grow.
  17. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Some clans don't send out ads for sh like you are saying. Many of us do want to war with friends that we have started the game out with. Still, no one has a answer to the devs "going to fix system" thing that they said months ago. Indy wars are not a fix. You like having a 50/50 chance of winning, the inactives, or people spamming the cc all the time?
  18. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Why not have 11 man wars (in regular war clans) and have the indi wars running at the same time? Shrink the indi war rosters to 11 as well. Indi wars r fun and including all of KaW is a great idea, but to have another full week of indi wars doesn't make much sense.
  19. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    My motivation to continue playing this game is to war w long-time friends and win eq to get stronger.

    Rosters are getting smaller and now indie wars where I have to war with strangers. I don't mind meeting new players in indie wars. Kinda fun. But it's not my motivation for playing this game and spending money on it.

    Why not offer more categories of wars, including a roster that doesn't allow a wide range of stats for those who don't like SH stacked rosters. Let people choose the kind of war they wish to join.

    Create some variety n choices.
  20. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Support the indi wars lmao just cos your build ain't right for top wars clans you gotta moan on here indi wars no proper wc or tracker and noobs that let you down If you don't wanna cast full myth and lose your ee then do the indi wars devs will lose money on xtals usage and see it won't work. Like others have send you war with your friends you know how each others wars you know on enemy roster people to shut down first it's tactics. That's why you have a wc and tracker not some Mickey Mouse clown jeez