[Updated] Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    no support all indi wars
  2. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    individual wars only - thats sucks (its random lucky only if you win or not, ppl stop to build ADT/SDT) - no support :-(
  3. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    No support for all-individual wars.

    BIG SUPPORT for the idea of allowing clans to cast for war and getting matched against other clans who cast, and individuals/mercs being able to leave a clan and being put in an individual war. Best of both worlds.

    I, for one, play this game to be with clan mates, discuss strategy in war, figure out builds, etc. Perhaps it is nerd-ish, but so be it. The analytical portion of the game is interesting to me.

    However, every time I have tried the individual war our clan has had at least one (often more) inactive players, freeloaders who refuse to buy pots or use xtals but hope the rest of the clan can win the war so they get the prizes, and even a player who admitted he had an alt on both sides of the war and "threw" the war by being an inactive leaky PS build. Those are the risks of the individual/random pairing wars. If any of those things happened in a clan-based war, the inactive/freeloader/traitor player would be kicked out of the clan--and frankly that consequence is rightly on the clan for letting that player war with you.

    So for those of use who prefer clan-based warring, please keep the clan based war system. If we have to deal with the stacked roster issue, then so be it. That is our choice by warring as a clan.

    If you do not like the potential stacking or other clan-based EE risks, you can do an individual war and accept the inherent risks that come with warring in that style of war.

    My two cents,



    P.S. as for the actual rewards given in EE/indy wars . . . STATION has some very interesting ideas.
  4. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    All individual wars appears very disappointing..........

  5. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    why cant clans be forced to have so many cast within certain cs ranges, it will stop stacking, and still use strategy in builds and give everyone an opportunity to war.
  6. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Agree with Brandi and Huma. What's the point of having a clan filled with the friends we've made over the years, if we have to leave that clan to war with strainers?

    The indi wars have been fun. No doubt. The indi war matchups have been fair because you have a larger pool of data to pull from. I get that. But that's the easy way out.

    Please take the time and put some real effort towards fixing EE wars. Please. It's LONG overdue.
  7. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I think Indy wars are a fine implement if u do them once or twice a week in season 4 in between the clans warring for prestige. It actually gives builds that wouldn't be allowed to war in a full fledged war clan a chance to war with their build once or twice a week for 1-6 wars. It also gives war clans a chance to visualize a more balanced way of assembling rosters that aren't stacked and get more evenly built match ups. I only hope the system and all these test wars and adjustments are for just that....to prepare clans for a more balanced war season heading into season 4. I would hate to see clan wars get Nerf behind the rise of Indy war schedules forcing well known and prestige war clans to turn to strictly OSW's or EB's. Cause as of right now even tho Indy wars are an opportunity for less likely war builds its also severely flawed in the types of warriors placed on these rosters which is already becoming unpopular with die hard warriors. Always getting placed with in-actives and unprepared warriors lacking xtals or gold to purchase mith has already discouraged many in Indy war participation. Ignorance are also a major factor in these wars. Clan wars are more organized and each warrior has more respect for the next warrior's ideas. Indy wars are only good to break up the monotony not as a constant. Keep that in mind devs.
  8. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I agree with RAGE as well, put a limit to what amount of certain builds are allowed on a roster and stacking is out the window and strategy comes back into play. I support that idea as well.
  9. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Devs c'mon!! I want to war with some friends,but I can't when you pull this. I know many others out there too agree with me.
  10. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Stop with all god damn individual wars... We want regular wars too
  11. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Now that Indy wars might be a constant all of a sudden everyone wants to penalize the in-actives now????I wrote a nice long thread about ways to discourage in-activity months ago and got a very negative feedback base of people. Laughing at my ideas and disrespecting my methods of dealing with in-activity. Now people are crying for similar methods to be met. I agree with those that believe Indy and clan wars can be ran side by side. Clans organize and cast and outcast/mercs cast and get placed and we all get matched. But as far as in-activity, it was an issue long to be dealt with even before this idea of individual wars and the chances of u being placed on a roster with them. As funny as it was when I posted about it months ago strongly criticizing how the democles list did and does nothing to deter or discourage this I'm surely the one laughing now lmao. Devs simple solutions man, not that hard for ur developers and programmers. Stop scamming us with these fixes and just do it. We all pay into this "free" game for it to be done with haste.
  12. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    I personally like the indy war idea. Many new kaw players are not able to EE war due to many established war clans shunning them. But on the other side of coin. Clan wars are important and needed as well for those that have spent tons of real money on their builds. So a duel system would be ideal
  13. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    While we discuss what are the solutions to make everyone happy, would it be possible to offer a new way to renew EE?

    Not everyone has the desire to participate in a "test of lucky" and as of now the only way to renew our precious EE, that we got with hard work and skills, is joining an individual war where we'll most likely loose a level instead of just renew it.

    I'd apprecite at least a response about this. Thanks.
  14. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    You should at least a few days with clans not all individual as not all like to war individually. risk or not getting a tracker or WC and on top of that in-actives or people war without xtals

    My solution keep the weekday wars individual and the weekend wars clan wars
  15. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Could you try to implement an other time slot so that there a four time slots for war. It seems that smg people have to either lose sleep or risk losing their job if they wish to war. Please set up another war so that smg have a time slot to which they can war in a leisure time not a sleep/work time.
  16. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Lol at all the people whining about being able to war wth all there old friends n the death of clan loyalty. Every wc before ee is full of all these clans begging for random shs.
  17. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Thank you kaw I love this game again.
  18. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Need some clan wars please
  19. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    The best wars in kaw history were the old school system wars when WE set them up ourselves. Let's face it since the devs took over it has been a non stop never ending tirade of forum complaints. Why is that? Because theyve proven to be terrible and this. I like the indi war idea as it again allows everyone a chance to war same as back in the day of old system wars. Me and my guys vs you and your guys n we went to war. Activity
  20. Re: Chaos Wars (6/23 - 6/29)

    Ugh my message got cut off for use of the "and" symbol. So stood it does that. Need a thread calling to fix that mess. Anyway in short my point is indi wars r good they allow everyone a chance to war but the less the devs are involved the better kaw will be. Clans need to be allowed to choose who goes to war with them it's the only power we have left. take that away totally and watch how fast this game dies.