Wow its friday night and theirs 10 clans active. Dev might be a bit dim but COME ON isnt this clear as day you have broken system here. season 1 easly saw 100 clans partisapating enought already. Scrap this crap enought with the roster exploting cheat tweek junk. Most of us downloaded this GAME to war go back allow ALL clans that wish to sign up. Have a simple random match as.close as possible system of all clans that signed.up. This should be fun for us to have wars with our clan mates if we suck we lose. clans that learn to war together win. Everytime you "fix" it just gives more holes to explote. preaty simple realy why make it so complicated, dispite what you see in forums were not all worried about what rancor level we have and spend time finding holes in the system to explot. We are the 99% that just want a fun war game to play with our mates so just STOP IT. Sparty On!!!!