[/quote] There's your answer, "useless to the MAJORITY of kaw". Extra scrolls were useless to everyone, but people can still use Aqua and inferno, so that's why devs won't change them. Ps. Mithril drops in ee *hint* *hint*[/quote] Yes it's useless to everyone who enchanted past relic stage just like aqua/inferno is useless to EVERYONE who has enchanted their eb equipment to max level. It's the same thing. And before u said anything I was under the impression EE only dropped hopes and dreams not mithril! Lol
I have read lots of complains about mith ...that in place of mith they should have given others scrolls...then the party would go down...i have enchanted only 3 equips,and i get one scroll every 2 weeks of middle...but i continue looking for them...Suggestion:all the mith recibed for scrolls helps a lot in asof to increase damage...so why complain by something that we can use in other things?
Honestly many feel that dev's have ended 3x drops and they think devs are lying to us I will take the other approach and say it's probable that the end of redundant drops have made it appear that drops have decreased. But perception is everything - devs need to see that if everyone thinks drops have decreased then this is a problem. Of course devs can't cater to all our whims - they need to do what is best 4 the game and that means saying no to us on most ocassions. I do hope devs listen to my proposal (I haven't seen many solutions) or figure out an alternative solution that will end speculation regarding decreased drops.
Drops are the same but if you have the relic enchanted then that scroll doesnt appear if you hit it...here one AFF had one scroll dropped so means that the rest are enchanted...for that only appeared one...didnt players complain about useless scrolls?now that problem is fixed its what appears in eb history,and illusion of scroll drop rate decreased.but its false..the drop rate is the same