Update to Scroll Drops

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. Thank you unstoppable tiger
  2. Cool. Thanks. Nice gesture
  3. Broken link
  4. Best of!

    Love this thread lol
  5. No good deed goes unpunished.

    Im actually impressed that someone was able to find something to ***** about regarding this update.

    Thanks for this welcomed update, devs. Ignore the whiners.

    Haters gonna hate
  6. Nicely done  and LoL at the pre-emptive "if your friend gets his first " ....way to cut off the complaints before they happen 
  7. Very very cool idea and appreciation gift is also very very cool, maybe myth sale in future for limited 24 hour period is in works too 
  8. Thanks for the exchange, but did you forget to give my chance to clanmates who still need them? The drop rate is lower than before now.
  9. Eagles lock finger is itching

    To bad it's a dev
  10. Hes locked a dev thread b4
  11. I support nighthawk on this

    Just my two cents.....if I think this through, someone let me know if I am thinking right........

    So while I get hammered in ee wars going up and down with wins and losses, someone else just beats on a computer eb that doesn't retalliate.....they earn equip and scrolls to become larger while I get a few mith that I spend on the next war, then they are rewarded again with the mith that i have to fight for and lose in wars......what's the purpose of warring? Cause if I see it this way then I can't grow since I have to bank....and the way seasons go now (months of warring then months off) I am just not sure how to respond.......

    Is that a safe summary of what just happened? #ijustgotscrewed
  12. Because it was necrobumped
  13. Thats beside the point
  14. Is this really worth complaining about?

    There can't be that many people getting a large sum of mith.

    Edit, damn auto correct
  15. This is a one time thing. Scrolls for relics u already enchanted will no longer drop and any scrolls that u have now that are excess will be turned into mith.
  16. yes, I think it is. Its a direct impact on people who have been with this game for many years and have served with the EE war clans who were up at 2 a.m. and fought three wars a day. We worked hard for our mith and mith equip. Those individuals who started an EB knew exactly what they were getting in the end and then come here and complain. They get what I worked hard for and I don't personally put much cash into this game so the eb fairies who dump money into this game continue to press the envelopes and make it harder for us. This game is a stress relief for me and I personally feel it's almost impossible to compete anymore. I take that personal yes and I realize I can walk at any time. Just feel that those who know what they are getting when they start shouldn't take away an advantage I worked hard for
  17. But how many extra scrolls do you think people have?

    I cant see more than a few people having enough left over scrolls to even buy any of the decent mith eq.
  18. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. How about my post 3x scroll drops that were supost to be permenent. They have slowly decreased . Ive noticed and so has the comunity clan history shows. Look my post 3x scroll drops . Permenent means permenent not a couple months then decrease them thats shady