Re: Simple guide to improve KaW experience on Android I use iPhone, but just wanted to say great thread, really useful for my android brethren, and obviously a lot of work went into it. Good job.
Re: Simple guide to improve KaW experience on Android Bump because I hadent seen this before so mucb faster awesome. And thank you op
Re: Simple guide to improve KaW experience on Android Bump this for other droid users, again really works well thanks again
Re: Simple guide to improve KaW experience on Android Good times are coming for us, Android user. There's just 3 days remaining until Android 5.0 will be released. Nexus 4 and 5 will get the update right away. The other OEMs will come with their Android 5 updates in upcoming weeks aswell (the time when update will land on your device is dependent on your carrier). If you have a non-flagship device that is not on your OEM's update plans don't dispair. Its just a matter of time until CyanogenMod will come with their CM12 version. Right now I'm using the developer preview and the performance and stability are plain and simple amazing. And with Project Volta under the hood my Nexus 5 battery has around 30% more "juice". In short, if you own an Nexus 4 or 5 fear not and install the update once is available. You won't regret it.
Re: Simple guide to improve KaW experience on Android Prepare to make the jump to lightspeed. Works great! Phone is so much faster! Thanks Vlad, big help for Droid users.
Re: Simple guide to improve KaW experience on Android I cant find the Enable 4x MSAA option, what can I do? Nice guide btw!
Re: Simple guide to improve KaW experience on Android Thanks made my note run faster.. Spasiba My notifications always delayed on this game... Even when i use to war.. Android ftw lol