Update Idea To limit inactive clans and noobs.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Merlyn, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Don't act like u just figured that out :p
  2. At least I'm sexier than u 
  3. Can I haz sexynez to?
  4. Right... :roll:
  5. Om nom nom
  6. baaaaad idea
  7. U wanna know how sexy I am, this is me:


    Isn't that sexiness there 
  8. That was harsh  6 months inactivity I didn't know thatlol keep posting who cares what they think. Do u thang but... I don't think it's good idea
  9. I agree with outkast, I don't troll anyways :shock:
  10. I quit for 4 months once, I like the account I had.
  11. Uhm stupid idea what if i buy 100nobility with real cash and buy a clan as soon as i join game then i vacation for 2 weeks my account and my clan is gone ive been playing for well over 120 days even before the highland and im only just begining to get close to the highland dumbest idea i ever heard period.