Things that need to be fixed: 1) Back button while viewing a profile takes you to home or closes the app instead of going to the last thing you were looking at. I know this was a forced bug you created to rectify a previous bug. Can we have it back to normal now. 2. While purchasing pots, now the pop up closes after one purchase. Earlier you could keep tapping to purchase in repeat mode. It is a pain in the neck now. 3. The window i am posting the message in right now is no longer 'fit to screen resolution' now. 15% of this window is off the screen to the right. Let us have some of those Apes fix these please. If not all then at least the top 2 bugs i mentioned need urgent fixing. You wont believe how much a pain in the neck those two are when you play this game 18 hrs a day.
Thanks for sharing these, I'll forward them to the developers and see what can be done about 1 and 3. The Marketplace change was done to prevent people from purchasing multiple Pro-Packs as well as to make for a consistent experience on both iOS and Android. Thanks, the devs are looking into why this is happening.
After the update, i cant see as much of peoples equip when viewing their profile as before, it only shows three equip instead of the usual five maybe (i forget)
I using 3.5 screen, im having trouble see main bar when did attack cos info bar covering main bar, I sugest using transparent background on info bar so can see I using 3.5 screen, im having trouble see main bar when did attack cos info bar covering main bar, I sugest using transparent background on info bar so can see the % on main bar yet can see whether we success or defeat on the hit how much damage we done and the % on main bar yet can see whether we success or defeat on the hit
the changes I would like have already been send the last few messages. It has been months nothing new. Wouldn't get our hopes up
The marketplace change sucked...and if it was to stop multi pro pack issues....then fix the pro pack algorithm.... if u want consistency....add the repeat purchase ability in ios...but dont take away a feature all android users miss. Please reinstate the original...much better marketplace feature.
I am using Android 4.3 on Samsung galaxy s4 and the problem I phase is when ever wanted to build on a new land HF lands game crashes asking me to send report, after restore the game the new building are already there. So why the game crashed on the first place?
When you go to the eb from the active eb button on the home screen it doesn't always let you use a action, it says invalid action even if it is the correct one. This doednt happen alot and is easily fixable by going to the clan link below it then the eb but I thought I would mention this any way.
Mines was working fine until update ,now i cant use the marketplace,every time i go there the game force closes ,tried restarting and uninstalling
Any chance you could provide a screenshot of the issue? Thanks for the feedback, no promises just yet but I'll talk with the devs and see if we can find a middle ground.
Anyone lose items with update? just in the ark screen no pictures of items just names . Sony Xperia z2
every since the update i kep getting force close issues mainly when i go and try buy something mainly speakers