Upcoming War System Changes - Revised

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Why not address the game mechanics of attack hansel and spy builds. Hansel and spy builds hold a unique advantage in wars over attack builds.

    Pure spies can not be stolen from by attack builds.

    And when hansels pin attack troops they it leaves them nearly impossible to inflict any damage on short of scouting.
  2. The yellow is nasty but I like all o the ideas. Keep It coming devs!!
  3. I guess I'm invisible  Kaw_Admin....waiting for ma reply pls 
  4. I love it this is great  three thumbs up!
  5. ;) really love the revisions within this topic. i especially like disabling outside hits for the people in war and out of war. i think a nice little incentive would to create an achievement (its all the craze right now) for the times you zeroed an enemy kingdom in war. there will be never enough satisfaction for shiny badges :mrgreen:

    one other thing is maybe display the total win/losses of the clan other than that, ill hold off till i see it in action :)
  6. Nice idea.
  7. I agree A1, Hansels are crying about being attacked now, noting about all the advantages they DO have.
  8. Kaw. Thanks for listening to us.
    A few thoughts
    1. War sys needs an option of 12 and 24 hours
    2. I'm not a big xstal user but I think it would be fair to have 2 xstals for 12 hour and 4 xstals for 24 hr.
    3. With the new mechanics are you not able to challenge any clan to war any longer? Or just clans close to your size?
    4. For pay out. EB % bonus does not interest me as items are easy enough to get. However a great reward would be to reset your pot count to pre war status if you win. ( yes I know, genius idea)
    5. War reward option: have achievement badge based on how many wars you win. Achievement count starts with new war sys

    Again great job devs. It is appreciated that you are asking our opinion.
  9. In my opinion, most war rules should remain the same. You should do a winner takes all approach as in real war all the plunder in a big pot would go to the winners. There is and art to reserving resources in the art of war, therefore no plunder should be given until the end. Make victory plunder significantly bigger than eb end rewards to draw clans into more wars. Add a secret clan prize to each one also. Add this to the current war rules and it would draw more people. Try your way, then try this way and see what give a higher sense of fulfillment. KAW ADMIN I welcome your response and wall me if you'd like to.
  10. Btw the only reason anyone would want to war is for treasure and money in some fashion. This is a war game, for heaven's sake.
  11. @ceddty. Current game mech are not like you described. They dont have plunder pay out. Your thinking Pwar era.
  12. No I'm saying they pay after the war is over not during attacks. The attack plunders should go in a clan pot. Survival is part of war. You misunderstood. That was the problem with pwars. They payed during the war.
  13. Seriously KaW? Yellow? Aaagh my poor eyes.

    Anyways I like the updates. Except for the 1 xtal per player per war. How are we supposed to make dramatic come from behinds? Maybe 2 or 3 would be better.
  14. 25%...!! For DTW mechanic  that cool.. Support it  over all I agree with the update.. Can you tell me when the trial come 
  15. Why are people still complaining about the color? It's not yellow anymore :lol:
  16. Can you please clarify: in an example, we only field 50 of my clanmates, we war and win getting a clan bonus item. Those 50 clan members stay together. 50 other spots in the clan then get filled, or filled and dropped with other members rotating in/out to take advantage of our warring prowess. Do we lose the edge bonus even though the 50 winners stay together the whole time?
  17. Will we automatically be put on our roster? Or can we sit out of the war until we want to join in?
  18. Ty for 12 hrs!  But it's still laughable that u think 12hrs of nothing but KAW is the common place... It's a good game but u don't even work for 12 hrs much less 8 without a break...

    A mith or some way to be out for a few hrs isn't that big a deal If limited to only so many clan members at a time and 1 per war...

    You still have the mech about keeping bonus backwards (I think) you should have to keep a Core group of players in the clan!! So 100 people participate in war to keep ur bonus u have to keep a core of 40% I'd say min (that's 40 people stay the same for none math peeps) and the other 60 members can come and go as please... Or maybe switch but if 60/40...
    From sounds of it now if u have 100 clan war and 10 leave, then 10 stop In say hi (20 change so far) the they leave (30 moved 30% change) so 10 new come in u'd have a 40% change an poof gone! Or easier 100 clan 1 person leaves and 1 comes 30 times in same week again poof gone...

    That's why u should look at your ever loving stats see average clan size and call and movement and say that is the core group u need to keep the same after that number who cares how many come and go "social game"!!

    That's my opinion let me know if I'm right in my thinking... (might misunderstand it)