Upcoming War Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 22, 2012.

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  1. This is awesome. Full support on quest locks and mortal kombat style "finish him" rewards.
  2. Finishing people off bonus is dumb first I would just pound smaller players. Second it also comes down to who has more xstalls no strategy involved
  3. If you really want to encourage players to be more active in wars, then why would you make someone wait 30min to regenerate before they could attack, scout or assass another player? Creating this delay is going to bury wars...."Turtle Wars" are already boring and if I have to wait 30min to hit or be involved in the game...well I am just not going to war. BOOOOORRRRIIIIINNNNNGGG

    I know you will receive complaints regarding xtaling. With your proposed changes of being out of the game until your troops hit 50%, the only solution is to utilize a xtal to get back in the game or wait. While I understand this is a business and you want to make money, this probably isn't your best course of action.....you seriously need to rethink this one.

    The other problem I have is with your reward bonus for taking someone down to 0%. If I am reading this correctly, this means a low stat player can have FAILED actions against a higher stat player and still be rewarded? So I spend countless hours collecting pots, items, building a strong defense and I WIN, only to still lose. Hmmm...this idea was not well thought out either.

    I think a better solution to encourage players to be as active as possible, is to not allow players to hit members of the same clan. Simply removing quests doesn't mean I can't pin myself on a fellow clan member. If you only allow clan members to hit opposing clan members in war you have to fight or get beat up...there is no other choice.

    I agree quests should be locked during wars and applaud your decision to do so.

    Participation rewards?.....Seriously????? If you want something you should have to WORK FOR IT, not just get it because you showed up! Reward players who are the "MOST ACTIVE" in the wars. This is a common complaint I have heard countless times, especially with eb's. The player who works the hardest, is involved the most, should be recognized. This doesn't necessarily mean this player has to have the highest plunder either. If your designated role is to scout bomb the opposing clan and you have the most actions, are involved nearly every minute/hour of the game....you should be rewarded accordingly. Often times the clan member with the highest plunder could not have achieved a high plunder, if it weren't for their clan's spies keeping opposing spies pinned so they wouldn't get ass'd. Why make wars like your eb's where someone unloads once, gets an item drop and their fellow clan member had over 1k actions and gets nothing? Please don't give participation rewards based on showing up.

    Finally, SLOW DOWN. You release changes too quickly!!! Some things may start out as a good idea, but then turns out something was over looked and has now morphed into a bad change for KAW. Think about the changes you are going to implement . Give the KAW community time to absorb them, and provide feeback. Most of all LISTEN to the players of the game, we'll all be watching to see if you do!
  4. Look @ all these noobs that prolly never warred in their whole kaw life agreeing to this stupid idea.. Systems and mech is fine as is .. If its not broke .. Don't fix it !!! All u EB noobs that never seen a war field should shut ur trap and hit the repeat button

    Don't change game mechanics! And quit making changes....
    If you want to bring in wars to this game...and with with wars I mean off system wars..not useless system wars that only lasts for 48h at the most..
    Quit reward ppl for ebs...the equipment has really brought this game into a lazy non warring mist!
    Reward ppl that plays this game the way it was supposed to be played...ppl that use their stats, gold, time n rl money on warring!
    Here's some hints:

    1:Dont change game mechanics...instead give points to the player that put ppl dtw..can't(should not be able to) do much from pin anyway
    2: Focus on OSW...strips n all those dirty things that war is all about
    3: no time limits
    4: no forfeit button...instead have surrender button, accept surrender button n mutual cf button
    5: Give out bonuses for successful actions made by every players each day...so you won't lose gold...tho players with out allies(no Allie plunder bonus) will get rewards according to their plunder
    6: Give points n big bonus for disbanding members on the other side...once they leave they can't join the war again
    7: there are war heroes on both sides in a war so both sides should get rewarded once it ends...like with a big plunder bonus 75%(winner) to 25%(loser)
    8: No reject button for wars...if you are challenged just face it cuz osw's start every day
    9: Clans should be able to bring in other clans(alliances n family) on their side but after 1week time

    Or just quit making changes n reward ppl for doing noob wars n ebs...the real warriors do PvP n osw...system wars are like practice...good for noobs but there's just no thrill in it! Please don't kill the thrill
  6. Here's a thought, why not increase the amount of xtal usage within a 24hrs period? After all, this seems to be the goal of this. Make people wait 30 minutes before they can hit again, so they will use xtals instead. Great idea!
  7. Button* lmaoo
  8. Good, good, then stupid bringing enemies troops to 0 then they just lose plunder don't like the idea
  9. What abt having a period of safety during a war. Say 6 hrs in 24 hr period
  10.  what an idiot .. Oh please .. I need safety period so I can sleep ..
  11. LOL -War stays Actively napping ...
  12. In regards to pure spy builds, can the loss of a percentage be implemented on them if they have 0 troops to begin with? Or will they just be exempt from troops, and only applicable to their spies?
  13. I suggest an achievement for winning wars!
  14. I'm still not believing this... This can't be happining... Wars might be coming back... Its... Its.... Just to good to be true
  15. No further commentary needed.
  16. After the let down with those updates, you're slowly regaining trust with this. My support
  17. It's about time system wars are re-worked and there's some interesting ideas in this. I don't care for the 50% dtw level though. I'd rather see dtw level lowered or eliminated. Wars fought from pin are boring and people will just hit as soon as they regen over 50% to pin themselves again anyways.

    If you really want to open up system wars consider these ideas. All members go active with full roster lock (no kicking/leaving), allies can't be bought while in war, plunder in war 50% higher than eb's and equipment that can only be won in war.

    I think if a few of those are implemented you'd see much more interest in system wars. I personally don't care if none of them happen, I'll still war, but I think this would encourage more people to stop doing so many eb's.
  18. I love it!!!
  19. Once again I want to ask what tweaks ,alterations to spies troops and actions are going to be made. I fully support the tweaking of system wars in general, and the devs have mentioned alot concerning troops but next to nothing on the spy side.
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